Topic: Don't Move So Fast
Pretti Thang 's photo
Thu 01/23/20 08:06 PM
Get To Know The Person Before You Start Catching Feelings & Saying The I Loves Yous !!!!!

Ladywind7's photo
Thu 01/23/20 08:09 PM

Get To Know The Person Before You Start Catching Feelings & Saying The I Loves Yous !!!!!

I agree. Welcome :smiley::sunflower:

darkowl1's photo
Thu 01/23/20 08:30 PM
when they do it....just ask em......................but.....butt.....whyoumadtho?what

Rock's photo
Thu 01/23/20 08:59 PM
I can't help but roll my eyes,
whenever anyone catches feelings
for someone they've never met in

Oh well...
Welcome to Mingle2.
Best of luck.

Freebird Deluxe's photo
Fri 01/24/20 12:49 AM
I try to tell them but still they pester me
Good luck