Topic: liars are honest too
stunt_614's photo
Sun 12/16/07 10:35 PM
just thaught about it.

Liars Are Honest Too

If ever it were a favor to deceive you,
I’d call myself the nicest man on
Earth and tattoo it to my heart,
Then leave my scent to linger upon
Your neck and the entire world
To torture your feelings dry;
So that when the drought came,
It’d be my basin of deceit playing
The lead role of the gentleman.

I’d open entrances for you that
Led to places you never wanted to go,
Watching as you stumble between
The corridors of where you
Thought you were and the hell
That you’ve always actually been in.
By then you couldn’t stand to
Let go of my all too familiar hand,
The kindest escort to our Eden.

I’d pull-up chairs for you that
Resembled thrones to your liking,
Wired with an option to eject
Tied to my kind wrist that
Out of courtesy I could never
Allow your eyes to notice.
You’d sit down aiming to please,
Unaware that it would be my arrow
To miss the apple on your head.

By the time our date were over,
I would manage to have convinced
Your father for his blessings and
What’s left of your heart as
The topping for our wedding cake.
Believe me, I’d lick my lips
At the thought, but in efforts
To become the kindest of them all,
With my back turned...
I'd cough the ashes of you.