Topic: These Are My memories, Let Them Burn
stunt_614's photo
Sun 12/16/07 09:32 PM
These Are My memories, Let Them Burn...

These are my memories, let them burn...
Like ashen black Mondays
covered with a thin layer of Hiroshima dust
as Nagasaki fades in the background
that unsettling feeling sets in to stay a while

as i sprinkle salt on strokes...
the seasoning nullifies hopes
like summer is DEAD.
and fall broke a few bones into winter
is this a joke?
hell no, it's as real as reality can climb
with four fingers and a shattered spine
needles digging into whatever it can seek and find

These are my memories let them burn...
till somethings earned broken or turned
like hearts cloaked in madness
and rain pelted savages knowing full well...
what lies beneath depression
a soul embarking...
laced with tension and aggression
ready to tear through a new world
just to to see...
this current one from the shadows

These are my memories...
aflame and scrambling to escape the light
let them burn... till the pheonix chokes on smoke
and nothing is born again.... but torn ideas
emerging from an ocean of bones
**** it... you call this home?
all i see is misfit desires
floating away to a cascade into sunlight
but theres nothing fuking happy about it
just a soul open to ignorant rebuttals

these are my memories...
let them...
FORGET IT I'm watching them burn already.