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Topic: Any Canadians on this website?
whispertoascream's photo
Sat 11/18/06 09:33 PM
OOOOOH Ok makes sence now. Sorry I am a bit hyper. You would think I
would be sad after a night of loosing...lol. Vancouver is a nice place.
I was born there.

hosstin18's photo
Sat 11/18/06 09:34 PM
i only vist my uncle and cousins there

purplecat's photo
Sat 11/18/06 10:04 PM
ok we got 1 and a half ............wow big party happenin here!

no photo
Sat 11/18/06 11:23 PM
Hello, what the hell do i know, hey i met a lady, started to feel her in
my heart and then she drifted away and found her, i guess , another. so
their i am with my heart opened wide just to be let go, like WE never
had a chance and that life was good, but for me, the only thought I'd
thought was of her and me!

Hey I can play that part and still hurt inside, for the us I have
spoke-of is not here to see, just the heart I wished was here for me....
I would have tried to love than to try to be naormal and apart?

what the hell am I saying,,,, if you don't care about me, then fuck-it I
will leave you be. My last rhyme for the poet group, and my last post
to try. I have been hurt by many, and still try to believe in just ONE,
is that so bad?

But I guess my feelings will run out and YOU can have my heart throgh
out, the time in this space, and be good with all the simple race. But
I will know that YOU let me go and all I ever tried to do, was show you
me, the man inside of who YOU thought I was, and this, ???? no answer to
my questions and NO compassion to my heart, I'm sorry that I really
tried to know you, and who, we might become?
All I feel that we were was something for YOU, to play with and hurt.
Someone to make YOU, feel alive?? And never really thinking about me????

I'll close here tonight and let your love go on. I am just a man that
loved everything about you, and I am so tired of being hurt and
over-looked so that your life feels good. I will leave here like I came,
looking for a friend and maybe a lover, just to find a women that still
wants to hurt me???

I send emails wanting a reply but I get your busy and no time for you to
try,, OK i give up, waiting for your E's is driving me nuts???

I know im easy and willing to give of me and my heart?
But that does'nt mean that im willing to say good-bye It just means that
see-ya means good-bye????????


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