Topic: for the men ... life of a penis
yorkshire_rose's photo
Sun 12/16/07 03:35 AM
The Life Of A Penis

A Great Day

Push Up's in a dark warm hole, until it pukes a cloud of white

A Good/Slow Day (choice is left to reader)

Rub or Tug from Old friend Palmetta, maybe get to see Palmilina, oh the excitement. Spice it up with a little wet rub marinade (lube or soap, hell even toothpaste from what I hear, minty fresh??)

A Normal Day

Puff Up and look around at the most inappropriate time, to test the owner's ability to control or hide it (hopefully gym pants and spandex have been avoided)

Boring Day

Puff Up, Shrink, Puff Up, Shrink, hang around with good chums the two neighbours Ball & Nuts, maybe get together and slap against thighs to get some attention, get tired go to sleep and drool a while...

Horrible Day

Greyhound's photo
Sun 12/16/07 03:37 AM
noway OMG
too early for this
laugh laugh laugh

Mossop's photo
Sun 12/16/07 04:00 AM
Hell my brain won't take this on a Sunday morning....maybe I will read it later ohwell

shutterguy's photo
Sun 12/16/07 05:59 AM
can't beat morning wood