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Topic: Dating
tracy's photo
Thu 04/09/20 05:04 AM
i need a serious love

Lee Valenzia's photo
Thu 04/09/20 05:08 AM
I believe it still exist when you come across with right person...

no photo
Thu 04/09/20 05:18 AM
let's date babe

no photo
Thu 04/09/20 05:18 AM

Ayush Garg's photo
Thu 04/09/20 05:23 AM
it exists

kumar Rajput's photo
Thu 04/09/20 05:55 AM
Tell me if purity and genuine dating still exist?

Subhash Sharma's photo
Sat 05/09/20 03:57 AM

Prabhu's photo
Sat 05/09/20 05:15 AM

Stellalove's photo
Thu 05/21/20 06:08 PM
Oh I see

Simpleman2017's photo
Thu 05/21/20 06:12 PM
Of course they do. Chivalry is still alive and well. :joy:

Stellalove's photo
Thu 05/21/20 06:14 PM
Any serious person from Europe to be with?

Benson 😎😎's photo
Thu 05/21/20 09:31 PM
Yes it's around but hard to find

Paul's photo
Thu 05/21/20 11:24 PM
Only in the eyes of the beholder.

no photo
Mon 05/25/20 02:49 AM

Rishi tyagi's photo
Mon 05/25/20 04:58 AM
yes it exit

Majid khan's photo
Mon 05/25/20 01:54 PM
Hi how are u friend

Garryyy1's photo
Mon 05/25/20 08:48 PM

no photo
Mon 05/25/20 10:12 PM
yes I agree

delightfulillusion's photo
Mon 05/25/20 10:18 PM

yes I agree

What.....both of you?

rhemrhem's photo
Tue 05/26/20 08:18 AM
in time . making effort in a dates is makes your heart pounds . but if you love him/her . even if he/she gave you effort to pick you up in work and drop you at home makes you feel special

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