Topic: When Night Time Strikes
trying_to_fly's photo
Fri 11/17/06 09:48 PM
She’s Walks In The Dark, When Nighttime Strikes
Like The Spider On Her Shoulder, She Has That Venom Bite
The Creatures Take Cover....Knowing She’s On The Prowl
Even The Wolf.....Makes No Attempt To Cry....To Howl
The Web On Her Face Causes The Drastic Stare
When She Looks In Your Eyes The Stare Is There....With No Care
The Clothes On her Back Are Tattered And Torn
The Claws On her Hands Are Definitely Worn
Out By The Violence And Macabre That She Brings Toward Mankind
With That Stare Of Dark Death And Cadaverous Mind
She Walks In The Dark, The Spider Then Sees
Nothing To The Point, It’s Mind Not At Ease
Because Death, Is Extinct And They See No Grief
The Thief Of The Souls....Walked Too Far To Seek
They See Of Nothing In The Pale, Foggy Moonlight
She Walks In The Dark.........When Nighttime Strikes.......

How's This One michael1313!!!! A Little Better Than Last One!!

snacky's photo
Sat 11/18/06 11:06 PM