Topic: Hey a topic 33m azcity | |
So it doesn't sound like the rants of a loon I broke it down for any easier read.
There are elements they are all based on the carbon structure yet if elements evolve they are called different things.. Now take a atom much smaller each with a numeric value of protons electrons and neutrons it makes a structure.. So now if a atom where a system of governments with a two sided majority and a neutral body.. Then we would be in a atomic structure.. based around a element such as carbon.. Now as we evolve then so do our contradictory elements.. for every pro there is a con.. Take the world as a whole many molecules circling around or swirling amongst each other.. does that not create the universe.. And does the universe not evolve.. That's what makes a elected body or ecclectic body.. If we don't work together does the structure not break.. For every predator there is a prey and is it not prey vs prey and ignorance is bliss.. The Freeman special on netflix about creation and the cosmos was very insightful.. I am a person that basically thinks if all religions aren't combined than there isn't a real answer. And netflix made me a step closer to understanding. It went through Hindu Buddhists Mayans Christianity Allah and the Torah to find a link or understanding to all. I thoroughly enjoyed this because when it boiled down to it it seemed as though all where saying there is no end to any of this or you. Once created you find a way to grow again either by flower person anger redemption or harmony. I watched the last episode and the Hindus were going over the water spirit of there main river. And how it was captured by Brahma sent to shiraz and grew from that. Only thing is space is water it is the darkest ocean. But it did teach me one thing it said that before existence there was no concept of existence. So is the above mentioned in italics existence and our we supposed to break down that to find our existence as flawed. To me this meant something and nothing. That if nothing was existence and something was created than nothing has to be boiled down to nothing to know what anything is. Or everything is something that needs to become nothing to find truth. Closest my mind came was black and white. If white was nothing black was something and black creates colors and white does the same than. What are the purposes of black and white knowing we see a white light upon death.. So they say... Black would be expansion and white would be condensing. If we are condensing carbon then we would be filling gaps upon death to evolve like a memory coming to be. If we were black then we would be evolving our structure to consume little bits of carbon. If white made colors like yellow and orange than black makes blue and green. Together they create. But black wants more life and white wants more death.. here is my reason behind this.. White if nothing boiled down to nothing would be clear something beyond white is a clear hue. and black or color. And black if expanded would be colors like purple or red pink. So to conclude nothing of nothing is clear to me and something out of everything amounts to hydro or boyantcy in water. Or the dark seas of space SO I WAS THINKING THAT IF THE UNIVERSE WERE TO HAVE A PARALLEL TO IT AND IT WERE SEPERATED BETWEEN WHITE AND BLACK THEN IT WOULD BE IN ACTUALLITY ONE EYE WITH TWO SEPERATE RETINAS . THEN WHAT THEY OMIT WERE RAINBOWS LIGHT AND DARK BUT OPPISITES PURPLE AND BLUE TOGETHER CREATING THE SIGHT OF EVERYTHING. astro physics is a simple concept if you look at what the world amounts to be.. take a solar system if you where in that system your job is to decide are you collapsing or expanding this is determined by looking in the ground or up at the sky. If you find a color concept repeating you probably have a good example.. like seeing a super nova with the naked eye one minute it's gone then twinkle it's back again. Then take a black hole or a nexus or even Inter dimensional nexuses.. simply make a poop joke at a girl and your the life of the party... I have a problem my body is being sucked in to your black hole you can't create a new universe like that can you. No not unless you stick it in my nexus.. I heard your black hole has a nexus point. Is it interdimensional? The interdimensional comment comes from the dirivitive for fire heat color and angle. An x. Then sleep is like finding a dark spot in time and mirrors are like parrelel dimensions. Fire can be used to cross dimensions. So I guess what I'm saying is if you screw a girl within a interparralel dimension in front of a fire while looking in a mirror. Till you fall asleep. On a day you can see a rainbow.. Sorry your probably not coming home. You will probably be looking at exit signs saying it's a new world every exit. And I'm in the multiplex trying to survive. So I guess what would be created is a double helix two boys two girose and they might all be identical. The crap from those babies would create a gas cloud in space or a human wormhole. That being said space is a black hole and the things brought in are being condensed which means life was created in a black hole and pearls are actually suns that have been sucked in or dark matter. And that's how someone reaches sausage space... Just a joke. Or is it... if fusion is two particles meeting and causing a burst of energy. then why cant cold fusion be two elements coming together and creating a mist. example fire and fire. fire and ground fire and ground. the difference is explosion and expansion two fires come to gether to create more energy. two metals come together to create friction. water like with all things sifts through and creates a mist from the metals creating the fusion reaction. Or to put in terms of love hate and love-hate love is fusion love-hate is ColdFusion and hate is a collapsing particle. Or just angry makeup sex. if you take a thing like parallel dimensions or the sea of time. its really seperated by the letters x and y which is what could seperate the sexes a x or girl would be moving left and right on the time scale and y's or men would be moving up and down. its seperated by heaven and hell and life and death. Which amounts to be a lot of reproduction. What would it be like if the world was like a anti gravity play ground. One minute your in your bed the next your upside down and the world is different. Picture this. The stars are street lights. The streets are occupied both ways. You look up stars. The opposite world looks up they see stars. But what would be the reason for others to be in this anti-gravity world. Simply they arent mature enough to fit into the jetsons like reality that is the other side. Or is that a flip to the nexus. Or parallel. so this is how i feel someone could travel from one dimension to another. if someone sat in complete dark. they could create a light from the friction from the black seas or black swaying back and forth. and then you use the lights gained to split the color spectrum like a prism. the only thing you would have to do is split the color of the dimension you would want to go too. so if there were shooting stars and someone believed in parallel dimensions. would those shooting stars be the descendants of people returning home. and if you where to travel though a light. or a rainbow to find a different light or color. would you or could you drag someone from a another color or dimension and that color create a lunar light. so i have a theory of the end of the universe. i call it a final. there is a final for every element. fires final stand is a huge light that sweeps across the universe. waters is the black seas swallow all life. ground all life comes together like a demolition derby and air parts all the seas together drowning everyone in light like a giant black hole. but i feel theres a fifth final where all elements come together creating something fore the creater. i feel that if fire did anything it would only want to sing. if air did anything it would only want dance. if ground did anything it would want to sit and watch. and water would want to stay and clean up. Or it could be the universe giving life to a new spirit or astro body. so if the universe we know amounted to be a huge black hole. and all of the elements found in it create small particles of fire in a grand black sea. and all things create a bit of fire. then you can assume we are living in an even greater sun. my assumption is this is the hand of Apollo. and we are just a piece of a greater universe. we shuffle darkness and refract and expand light Or this would just be a full moon if you really look hard. two yins dont make a yang just like two yangs dont make a yin. you have to find balance in your heart to find your yin and yang. And all the moon looks like is a yinyang If we could time travel how would we do it? I have a theory... It isnt actually splitting time but more splitting color. Color would be the difference between dimensional riffs and that would make it closer to cutting a space time continuum. Or the speed of light. We would have to do this with our eyes. Eyes start to focus on a being or on a tree something that put off a "aura" or "prism" and the the color of the said object we would have to take the edge and leap or split it visually. In other words travel at the speed of light knowing your as fast as the speed of light. Simple right? What if.... So take in the consideration that we live in a plain of our own existence. Then take in that god lives among us. Now question the fact of stars above our heads and consider them energy that we put off on any given day as people. Orbs of energy that define us as power. We are able to see these orbs but we only see them from a distance never able to grab. Now consider the sun and the moon as god and Satan. Both bring light to our live but one is warmth and comfort the other is tides. They cross the sky every night and everyday. Could this be a path that the two walk as time goes by. Find either you've found it... Which make a very big astro spirit which we are always going to be under physically and emotionally. Yet we are destined to be as big as.. unless we decide to boil ourselvesto nothing otherwise we keep expanding in existance.. like a black hole that grows. I had an idea that we resurrect through lower life forms. Basically you can be four classes of people. This determins social worth and acceptance. You can resurrect through an ant then fly spider ect. All the way up to a human. Or you can ressurect up through a worm then moth ect. To a human. Or you can take a amphibian approach and resurrect through tad poles frogs newts ect to a human. Reptiles too.. This would develop the brain in ways slightly different and make us supernatural to those who dont know what chemical makeup we are comprise of. This resurrection would take 60-200 years and we would be either smart or dumb depending on our learning curve. Or just grow to astro bodies. Sat down today and imagined what it would be like if the lights in the world were red... It would be a un-easy society. Skittish unable to be cordial at the fear of your fellow man. People would have a fight or flight mantality. The word safety would lie in an un-easy state. Imagine walking from a ally to the light people would seem to the essence or aura evil. So if black was red or purple then our eyes a just to our conception of color. A idea about blood and the world.... I was looking at the sky and I thought to myself our blood is blue before it hits the air. Well the sky is blue could we be in a blood vessel. And this the world and everything on it the composition. *Kinda a add on to my earlier post. I thought of a idea the cones in our eyes we see three colors. Red, blue, and green. A dog can see blue and green. Yet, a butterfly can see red, blue, and green with 2 colors unknown to our eyes capability. That being known think of a prism. All the colors we are capable of seeing shoot in and come out as a white light. Now to us that prism is our capability but to a butterfly that light may represent a color we otherwise cant comprehend. So from one butterfly to the next what would a white butterfly look like to another. Do they represent patterns and shapes and colors that we are blind to. Given this prism theory? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder! That just means there's an angel or angle looking out for us.. It is my understanding that the world doesnt always work how we work.... Take the trees for instance. If we are cold we put more clothes on. If we are hot we do the opposite. My understanding is this... A tree in the winter has no leaves. Therefore it has no clothes. A tree in the summer has leaves therefore the opposite. So to deduce the point that a tree is hot in winter and cold in summer cant be far off. I guess the main point is thinvs aren't always as they seem that something's appear as a opposite to keep mystery alive in life. Another idea... when we look at time and instinct we see the universe. Or something bigger than ourselves. Then we look at the time we live by a mental time were everything passes. Sometimes seeming fast or slow depending on how we feel. The present feeling of time. Then we have the small what ever is a lower life form. Cats dogs. Some creatures yes have longer life spans. But if we go by a present feeling of time then you can make the assumption or theory that lower lifeforms have fear and instincts guiding themselves. This would give a faster or slower variable of time. My theory is fast. What does this tell you that the universe is only as infinite as we make it. That as big as we feel is as slow as time travels. To stop and take time for a lower life form will fulfill 10x the day you might have. This we may all know but to break time is to gain instinct. Instict is as close to manipulating a being. Using this is mastering time. All it takes is time to master your instincts. |
And what does this happen to do with a dating website?
Mike, it's under Arizona. I say leave him be. Shout out for Arizona.
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Mike, it's under Arizona. I say leave him be. Shout out for Arizona. ![]() ![]() Even though I don't understand it, okay. I also love Arizona--but it's a different story in July when it'll be 115°! |
I don't understand it, but if it makes sense to you, that's what matters.