Topic: Flame on! I'm agnostic.
KalamazooGuy87's photo
Sun 12/09/07 08:16 PM

just way smarter (in some aspects) and way way way more destructive, to ourselves, our kind, our planet, everything

And this is evolution, i think we would have been better off an Ape dont you think?

wmyers4u's photo
Sun 12/09/07 08:18 PM

The female turkey find a male turkey with more facial"red" growth more attractive...or so they say, but I am not a turkey, LOL Some animals are selective in choosing a mate, if they had pretty little sports cars, they might use that to judge their mate as well. My point is that to some extent it is normal, but humans are manipulated by our culture to act this way. We call it progress:(

Progess, in a backward sence. im asking why would evolution to allow us think such thoughts, since we came from a species who did not think such thoughts. That is my questions. Does this really sound strong to you?

I dont disagree with evolution since, we all grow and learn, evolution is very real to me, it take some things too far. This is when "theories" come into play..

Humans have manipulated evolution ever since we started farming, domesticating food animals and improving medical treatments, for better or worse. If everyone died that was supposed to, the weak traits would eventually be eliminated. This is why evolution has to be thought of differently when talking about "modern humans." We are allowing the weak to survive, breed and pass on weaker traits.

KalamazooGuy87's photo
Sun 12/09/07 08:21 PM
Evolution corrects it self, like the earth and everything else science created, it doesnt get corrupted casue if it did nothing can fix corruption and we would have never had a chance on this earth being here "200,000,000 years"? The earth would have destroyed it self long ago.

You make sence to me but this is counter-evolutionist, after all how come we are the only species to backtrack? Seems interesting that you would say this.

The weak die, this is stupidity =)

eternalsun's photo
Sun 12/09/07 08:22 PM

just way smarter (in some aspects) and way way way more destructive, to ourselves, our kind, our planet, everything

And this is evolution, i think we would have been better off an Ape dont you think?

No. Evolution deems us the right to decide if we want to destroy. everything is destructive, we just put a whole new meaning to the word destroy. So I guess, yes, in the whole of everything we would have been better off as apes.

Ok heres an argument. Ready? Two words, christians - jews. And go!

eternalsun's photo
Sun 12/09/07 08:24 PM

Evolution corrects it self, like the earth and everything else science created, it doesnt get corrupted casue if it did nothing can fix corruption and we would have never had a chance on this earth being here "200,000,000 years"? The earth would have destroyed it self long ago.

You make sence to me but this is counter-evolutionist, after all how come we are the only species to backtrack? Seems interesting that you would say this.

The weak die, this is stupidity =)

How have we backtracked?

KalamazooGuy87's photo
Sun 12/09/07 08:26 PM

No. Evolution deems us the right to decide if we want to destroy. everything is destructive, we just put a whole new meaning to the word destroy. So I guess, yes, in the whole of everything we would have been better off as apes.

Ok heres an argument. Ready? Two words, christians - jews. And go!

Thats bull, no other species was deemed the choice to Decided to destory themselves. I dont see apes rioting, yet surviving. Evolution is based on the ability to survive as do all other anmimals, our Goal since we are supreme is the same ? Just to survive? For the logical we have as humans and the ability to makes the choices we do there has to be somthing more..

And ?

KalamazooGuy87's photo
Sun 12/09/07 08:28 PM

Evolution corrects it self, like the earth and everything else science created, it doesnt get corrupted casue if it did nothing can fix corruption and we would have never had a chance on this earth being here "200,000,000 years"? The earth would have destroyed it self long ago.

You make sence to me but this is counter-evolutionist, after all how come we are the only species to backtrack? Seems interesting that you would say this.

The weak die, this is stupidity =)

How have we backtracked?

WEll from becoming a Free country- to nukes our own specices- to thinking racism is ok, since color denotes superiority- to the crime rate-to global warming..... these are some.. i dont think the earth is getting any healthier, wait we have cell phones and $1 dollar cheese burgers.=) These are good granted have many side-effects.

eternalsun's photo
Sun 12/09/07 08:29 PM

No. Evolution deems us the right to decide if we want to destroy. everything is destructive, we just put a whole new meaning to the word destroy. So I guess, yes, in the whole of everything we would have been better off as apes.

Ok heres an argument. Ready? Two words, christians - jews. And go!

Thats bull, no other species was deemed the choice to Decided to destory themselves. I dont see apes rioting, yet surviving. Evolution is based on the ability to survive as do all other anmimals, our Goal since we are supreme is the same ? Just to survive? For the logical we have as humans and the ability to makes the choices we do there has to be somthing more..

And ?

So when male apes (since you are so hell bent on apes) fight one another it is not an act of destruction? Apes don't destroy in the manner we do because we are smarter therfore creating more ways to destroy one another and things around us.

wmyers4u's photo
Sun 12/09/07 08:30 PM

Evolution corrects it self, like the earth and everything else science created, it doesnt get corrupted casue if it did nothing can fix corruption and we would have never had a chance on this earth being here "200,000,000 years"? The earth would have destroyed it self long ago.

You make sence to me but this is counter-evolutionist, after all how come we are the only species to backtrack? Seems interesting that you would say this.

The weak die, this is stupidity =)

Without heart transplants, people with heart defects would die before breeding and passing this defect(or the gene for it) on to their kids. In nature this would help eliminate this defect in humans. This is just an example of the weak dying.

I like that you mentioned evolution correcting itself, who is to say that it is not getting ready to do this again. In the Middle ages overweight women were considered more attractive and more desirable. Now it seems to be toothpicks that are more desirable. Our written history is not long enough to experience one of these evolutionary corrections. So it is actually a theory in itself. Why does a woman look for a financially secure man? Is it the instinct to gravitate towards a stronger male? In our society we are taught someone with more is better. I think it is a blend of instinct and the teachings of our community.

wmyers4u's photo
Sun 12/09/07 08:31 PM

just way smarter (in some aspects) and way way way more destructive, to ourselves, our kind, our planet, everything

And this is evolution, i think we would have been better off an Ape dont you think?

you may be right...I like bananas:)

KalamazooGuy87's photo
Sun 12/09/07 08:32 PM
Backwards Evolution we are smarter to destory more. Maybe this is why not all animals have such an ability to "Grow"? Evolution makes sence to me Eternalsun however after Humans-Apes, i cannot take evolution seriously after this point. IM not here to prove im right, im giving you the ability to think about what your faith is in. So i wish you luck


eternalsun's photo
Sun 12/09/07 08:34 PM

Evolution corrects it self, like the earth and everything else science created, it doesnt get corrupted casue if it did nothing can fix corruption and we would have never had a chance on this earth being here "200,000,000 years"? The earth would have destroyed it self long ago.

You make sence to me but this is counter-evolutionist, after all how come we are the only species to backtrack? Seems interesting that you would say this.

The weak die, this is stupidity =)

How have we backtracked?

WEll from becoming a Free country- to nukes our own specices- to thinking racism is ok, since color denotes superiority- to the crime rate-to global warming..... these are some.. i dont think the earth is getting any healthier, wait we have cell phones and $1 dollar cheese burgers.=) These are good granted have many side-effects.

Man has had territories for a long time and we have set out to expand and or protect our boundries we just have more destructive ways of doing it now compared to clubs and rocks.
Color has always stated superiority, it is only recently in the past 100-200 years that people have began to think of themselves as equal.
Crime, same as above. there has always been crime, we just have more destructive ways of commiting these crimes.
Global warming, I can't really argue aside from we are destroying the planet. With good comes bad. Sometimes one must take a few steps back in order to take leaps foreward.

KalamazooGuy87's photo
Sun 12/09/07 08:35 PM
Edited by KalamazooGuy87 on Sun 12/09/07 08:37 PM

Evolution corrects it self, like the earth and everything else science created, it doesnt get corrupted casue if it did nothing can fix corruption and we would have never had a chance on this earth being here "200,000,000 years"? The earth would have destroyed it self long ago.

You make sence to me but this is counter-evolutionist, after all how come we are the only species to backtrack? Seems interesting that you would say this.

The weak die, this is stupidity =)

Without heart transplants, people with heart defects would die before breeding and passing this defect(or the gene for it) on to their kids. In nature this would help eliminate this defect in humans. This is just an example of the weak dying.

I like that you mentioned evolution correcting itself, who is to say that it is not getting ready to do this again. In the Middle ages overweight women were considered more attractive and more desirable. Now it seems to be toothpicks that are more desirable. Our written history is not long enough to experience one of these evolutionary corrections. So it is actually a theory in itself. Why does a woman look for a financially secure man? Is it the instinct to gravitate towards a stronger male? In our society we are taught someone with more is better. I think it is a blend of instinct and the teachings of our community.

Your very true, however why would evolution allow us such the brain power to allow ourselves to want the "weak" to remain alive? I say back-wards becasue we are trying to do things which end up hurting the process of evolution even more. This is just one of my many problems of why i cannot believe a "higher power" exists.

Your speaking all truth, this is all information i agree on. I just cannot say that if evolution did creat us we would be doing what we are today. Society, standards and all this would have no relevance to the way we think, this is not growth in a evolutionists stand point

If my grandfather was an ape i know why i love Bananas then =)

wmyers4u's photo
Sun 12/09/07 08:39 PM

Evolution corrects it self, like the earth and everything else science created, it doesnt get corrupted casue if it did nothing can fix corruption and we would have never had a chance on this earth being here "200,000,000 years"? The earth would have destroyed it self long ago.

You make sence to me but this is counter-evolutionist, after all how come we are the only species to backtrack? Seems interesting that you would say this.

The weak die, this is stupidity =)

Without heart transplants, people with heart defects would die before breeding and passing this defect(or the gene for it) on to their kids. In nature this would help eliminate this defect in humans. This is just an example of the weak dying.

I like that you mentioned evolution correcting itself, who is to say that it is not getting ready to do this again. In the Middle ages overweight women were considered more attractive and more desirable. Now it seems to be toothpicks that are more desirable. Our written history is not long enough to experience one of these evolutionary corrections. So it is actually a theory in itself. Why does a woman look for a financially secure man? Is it the instinct to gravitate towards a stronger male? In our society we are taught someone with more is better. I think it is a blend of instinct and the teachings of our community.

Your very true, however why would evolution allow us such the brain power to allow ourselves to want the "weak" to remain alive? I say back-wards becasue we are trying to do things which end up hurting the process of evolution even more. This is just one of my many problems of why i cannot believe a "higher power" exists.

If my grandfather was an ape i know why i love Bananas then =)

Without this we would not need the word stupidity in the dictionary. Wouldn't it be ashamed to not have this word to use:) Some things are stupid and that brings me to another dictionary word: extinction. If humans continue on this present path......some other species may need this word to describe the demise of the human race.

KalamazooGuy87's photo
Sun 12/09/07 08:41 PM

Without this we would not need the word stupidity in the dictionary. Wouldn't it be ashamed to not have this word to use:) Some things are stupid and that brings me to another dictionary word: extinction. If humans continue on this present path......some other species may need this word to describe the demise of the human race.

I agree, now given all this information how can you say evolution given its idea to grow eventually leads to its own distruction. TO me this doesnt make sence

But again i agree totally to what you are saying

eternalsun's photo
Sun 12/09/07 08:42 PM
I have faith that tomorrow my toyota will start because I know it has gas, oil, a good battery, all required things to turn over, not to mention it a toyota. lol I have faith that the water I am drinking is good, because it as a min ago when I drank some of it. I have faith I am tired and will soon go to sleep because well, I am tired and that is what I do when I am tired, I sleep. All these faith based opinions are prooved by fact. It all boils down to a belief. You believe in god, I do not. You are wrong I am right, I am wrong, you are right. Religion either needs to improove its idea of kindness and stop fighting because someone does not believe in what they believe in or just end it all together. Religion is the number one reason for wars in present, in past and surely in the future.

bbbutterscotch's photo
Sun 12/09/07 08:48 PM
I don't even care what's being said in this thread, my religious beliefs are solid and unheard of, but 53 points have been awarded to the one who started it just for the tagline.smokin

wmyers4u's photo
Sun 12/09/07 08:50 PM

Without this we would not need the word stupidity in the dictionary. Wouldn't it be ashamed to not have this word to use:) Some things are stupid and that brings me to another dictionary word: extinction. If humans continue on this present path......some other species may need this word to describe the demise of the human race.

I agree, now given all this information how can you say evolution given its idea to grow eventually leads to its own distruction. TO me this doesnt make sence

But again i agree totally to what you are saying

You are right, when applying this to evolution it makes no sense. A lot of our actions come from our cultural upbringing....and once you add this to the equation it throws nature and evolution out of harmony...but there is no guarantee that what we are doing will not result in our demise. Look at the ancient Egyptians, what happened to them? Maybe they did the same things we are doing and an evolutionary correction eliminated them. It might be that we just haven't crossed that line yet.

KalamazooGuy87's photo
Sun 12/09/07 08:51 PM

I have faith that tomorrow my toyota will start because I know it has gas, oil, a good battery, all required things to turn over, not to mention it a toyota. lol I have faith that the water I am drinking is good, because it as a min ago when I drank some of it. I have faith I am tired and will soon go to sleep because well, I am tired and that is what I do when I am tired, I sleep. All these faith based opinions are prooved by fact. It all boils down to a belief. You believe in god, I do not. You are wrong I am right, I am wrong, you are right. Religion either needs to improove its idea of kindness and stop fighting because someone does not believe in what they believe in or just end it all together. Religion is the number one reason for wars in present, in past and surely in the future.

You have your faith i wish you luck. im not fighting you im asking questions given you have the right to answer. YOu claim to have read the bible therefore ill assume that you know what Christians purposes are

Lack of religion was the casue of wars...

wmyers4u's photo
Sun 12/09/07 08:54 PM

I have faith that tomorrow my toyota will start because I know it has gas, oil, a good battery, all required things to turn over, not to mention it a toyota. lol I have faith that the water I am drinking is good, because it as a min ago when I drank some of it. I have faith I am tired and will soon go to sleep because well, I am tired and that is what I do when I am tired, I sleep. All these faith based opinions are prooved by fact. It all boils down to a belief. You believe in god, I do not. You are wrong I am right, I am wrong, you are right. Religion either needs to improove its idea of kindness and stop fighting because someone does not believe in what they believe in or just end it all together. Religion is the number one reason for wars in present, in past and surely in the future.

You have your faith i wish you luck. im not fighting you im asking questions given you have the right to answer. YOu claim to have read the bible therefore ill assume that you know what Christians purposes are

Lack of religion was the casue of wars...

I think a couple of them might have been started over OIL though:)