Topic: 30 Days of Night
CaRisLOVE's photo
Fri 12/07/07 07:35 PM
ok so um this is tha ultimate horror demented movie ever made this year
im fan of horror and in era 2000 they truly suck except for remake of texas chainsaw
and now THIS
this movie is creepy and demented
my GOD i was truly crying in my mind about people dying in this movie
didnt watch tha whole movie yet
so dont spoil people
but yea im goin to re watch this tonight since i had to turn it off to sleep
other than dat, this movie is madness
laugh :wink: devil

IntelligentLady's photo
Fri 12/07/07 07:51 PM
but what scares you more....the blood and gore or the psychopathology of the killer?....something to think about when it comes to horror films...

CaRisLOVE's photo
Fri 12/07/07 07:59 PM

but what scares you more....the blood and gore or the psychopathology of the killer?....something to think about when it comes to horror films...

wat scares me is how these monsters are truly just evil
like truly demented and attack tha characters in this movie
tha director and writers wre brilliant
they finally found tha mood of wat Intense horror should be
like these vampires actually just dont kill
they torment they torture they creep tha hell out of you till your know your terrified and then kill you so slow as you feel pain

and tha scenes were great
no stupid chase or watsoever
they just get people lmao its amazing

anyways more feedback after i seen tha whole flick lol

Robm248's photo
Fri 12/07/07 08:07 PM
What scares me is the eubonics in this post, lol. Honestly, I don't really watch a lot of the horror genre... I got tired of watching them long ago. As for your description... torture and torment aren't really what I want to watch... so thanks, I'll pass like I was already going to.

lonelyshorty's photo
Fri 12/07/07 08:10 PM
i thought this movie was amazing. i liked how they used a normal person to burn the satallite phones so they couldnt call; kill the dogs so they couldnt escape and dogs have a keen sense of things; the helicopter so they cant escape and finally the power which made the town creepy. i liked that they had their own language.