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Topic: Use the last word to start a new sentence - part 8
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Wed 03/13/19 05:42 AM
Heat I can do without, but warm weather is most welcomed.

mzrosie's photo
Wed 03/13/19 02:22 PM
Welcomed and loved are two emotions felt by the adopted child.

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Wed 03/13/19 02:23 PM
Child of mine is very much missed.

mzrosie's photo
Wed 03/13/19 02:35 PM
Missed connecting flight is a problem when travelling.

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Wed 03/13/19 02:42 PM
Traveling is something I very much enjoy doing.

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Wed 03/13/19 04:47 PM

Doing a lot of soul searching lately! bigsmile

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Wed 03/13/19 05:06 PM
Lately I’m realizing more and more of what I want :blush:

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Thu 03/14/19 11:24 AM
Want a simple dinner tonight so I will make chicken tenders and fries.

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Thu 03/14/19 12:08 PM
Fries go really good with a shake

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Thu 03/14/19 12:11 PM
Shake flavor I love is chocolate

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Thu 03/14/19 12:13 PM
Chocolate covered strawberries are delicious

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Thu 03/14/19 12:43 PM
Delicious and one of my favorites.

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Thu 03/14/19 12:45 PM
Favorites today are differ than tomorrow...

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Thu 03/14/19 12:46 PM
Tomorrow I am scheduled to work.

mzrosie's photo
Thu 03/14/19 02:31 PM
Tomorrow is my daughter's birthday.

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Thu 03/14/19 02:37 PM
Birthday wishes to your daughter from me happy

mzrosie's photo
Thu 03/14/19 02:40 PM
Me thank you on behalf of my daughter who refuse to be 30 hahaha.

no photo
Thu 03/14/19 03:08 PM
Hahaha, I would love to be 30 again, if I could know what I know now that is.

mzrosie's photo
Thu 03/14/19 03:24 PM
Is not a choice for me as I would not want all the heartaches I had then.

no photo
Thu 03/14/19 03:26 PM
Then again, I agree it wouldn't be good.

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