Now this made me think...does a woman then have to be very smart like knowledgeable in so many things in order for her to be interesting to you or other smart men like you Charles? Most times I think that a conversation goes well when there’s natural rapport between two people regardless of how smart they are and whatever they talk about. Even silly things become interesting. Imho
No, SS, that's not what I'm getting at. No one has to be a super smart person to talk to me. What I'm talking about, many people can't seem to elaborate much about anything. In other words, You answered my post with a paragraph long enough for me to understand how you felt and what you wanted to know. I can't tell you how many I've come across that will answer me within 3 to 6 words. No matter what I say or try to talk about. They can't seem to elaborate enough to give me something to go on to really converse with them. For many of them, getting info out of them about there lives, likes, dislikes and just regular conversation is like pulling teeth with nothing to dull the pain. I meet one every now and then that can converse with me and the conversation just rolls. From one thing to the next. No, you don't need to be able to talk to me about the inner workings of a jet engine or why the sun rises every day to get my attention. Talk to me about the trash you had to haul off yesterday. How your kids are doing in school. Tell me what your day was like. What's on your mind about everyday "stuff". When you take the time to talk to me I get interested in your everyday life. When a woman takes the time to talk to me, I become more romantically linked to her. The great majority of men, they see a pretty woman, and below the belly button stands to attention. And for some, that's as far as it goes. But, there are some men that even though they are the same way, they need more before that works. Some men can jump straight to the physical part of being with a woman without really knowing anything about her. And really don't care. While others need more. They need that mental connection first. For me, building that mental connection means being able to talk to me. For me, if you can't build a mental connection with me, I get bored and I move on. The other part is just not going to happen. For me, it's mental before physical. If you can't talk to me, there isn't going to be a date. Much less anything else. I don't know. Maybe I'm weird. But I think it's sexy when a woman can talk to me about anything and everything. Thanks Charles doesn’t get any clearer than how you explained it above A woman who can truly open up to a man about everything is a woman who feels valued and trusted too. I believe that when on a casual date we can already gauge how far we can go as far as communication is concerned by the way one starts to show sincerity in their body language. A look is worth more than a thousand words. Then what to say and when to say it just follows. A click is all takes |