Topic: One lie, two truths
Slim gym 's photo
Sat 02/01/20 08:06 PM

You never had dreads...lie

Been to the gold mines in Balarreta in Australia

Been to gold mines in Alaska

Lived in Kolar Gold fields in India!

no photo
Sat 02/01/20 08:27 PM
Edited by Unknow on Sat 02/01/20 08:35 PM


You never had dreads...lie

Been to the gold mines in Balarreta in Australia

Been to gold mines in Alaska

Lived in Kolar Gold fields in India!

#1 was my lie. I’ve never had long hair.

#2 is a lie, Slim gym?

#3 is a lie, MartinPhillip?

Mrmxb's photo
Sun 02/09/20 04:15 AM
"Lived in Kolar Gold fields in India!"
i guess, it should be mistake item 3rd

my question;
1st i am very good on the social media.
2nd i like documentaries generally
3rd i like to drink a tea or a coffee while am watching tv

Slim gym 's photo
Sun 02/09/20 03:03 PM
No: 1 is a lie

I was a track and field star back in the day

I have had 7 girlfriends
I love live concerts

pumpilicious 💕's photo
Wed 02/12/20 12:13 PM

#1 the lie Miss Pump?

I have 2 cars
I have 4 siblings
I have 6 tattoos

#2 is my lie, I like walks in the woods, but I live in the city:sleeping:
#2 is your lie, you have a different amount?

pumpilicious 💕's photo
Wed 02/12/20 12:15 PM

You dyed your short hair dark???

I am a great kisser
I am a social drinker
I am a model for beer

Didnt catch your answer. is #2 your lie?

pumpilicious 💕's photo
Wed 02/12/20 12:25 PM
@Martin #3 is your lie, you look fit, not fat
@mrm #1 you say is a lie, but you are better than you say.
@slim #2 is your lie, you've had a different amount of gfs?
@stormy I guessed right waving

1)I almost went to state for long jump
2)I hate yoga
3)I like watching boxing

no photo
Thu 02/13/20 01:09 PM
Edited by Unknow on Thu 02/13/20 01:10 PM
#2 is your lie, Pumpilicious?

1. I found myself on YouTube dancing at a Green Day concert.
2. I’ve never found myself on YouTube.
3. I found a friend on YouTube.

Mrmxb's photo
Wed 02/26/20 12:00 PM
Edited by Mrmxb on Wed 02/26/20 12:02 PM
The lie of Pumpilicious may 2 (two).

The lie of StormMessages may 2 (two).

1. I like the red meat
2. I like the white meat
3. I do not like the tea

no photo
Wed 02/26/20 12:58 PM
Yes! Number 2 was my lie.

#1 is your lie Mrmxb?

1. I eat a salad most days.
2. I eat vegetables most days.
3. I eat yogurt most days.

no photo
Wed 02/26/20 01:36 PM
#1 is your lie Stormy?

1. I have my passport now
2. I've held a baby alligator
3. I've rode on an elephant

Mrmxb's photo
Thu 02/27/20 12:51 PM
Storm, my lie was 3.

River's lie may 3.

1. I have my green passport
2. I've rode on an camel
3. I have my driving licence

pumpilicious 💕's photo
Fri 03/06/20 05:44 AM
Edited by pumpilicious 💕 on Fri 03/06/20 05:46 AM
My lie was #3. I do hate yoga...boxing is brutal, but I can watch it.

@Stormy #1 ?
@ms river #3 ?
@mrm #3 ?

I just finished watching the tv series Outlander
I just finished watching the tv series Vikings
I just finished watching the tv series the masked singer.

Mrmxb's photo
Fri 03/06/20 12:33 PM
the lie of me was 2.

i cannot say that i have a strong predictive.
nevertheless; i can want to say that the lie of pumpi was 3.

1. I just finished watching the films Terminator
2. I just finished watching the tv series GOT
3. I just finished watching the tv series Westworld

pumpilicious 💕's photo
Mon 03/09/20 02:13 PM
My lie #2 I am still watching the series.

Mrm #2 was your lie?

#1 I like to paint
#2 I like to shoot guns
#3 I like to sing in public

no photo
Mon 03/09/20 05:30 PM
My lie was #2. I have found myself on YouTube dancing at a Green Day concert.

1. Growing up, I took ballet classes.
2. Growing up, I took tap dancing classes.
3. Growing up, I took archery classes.

Pumpilicious #3 is your lie?

Mrmxb's photo
Sun 03/15/20 01:11 PM
Edited by Mrmxb on Sun 03/15/20 01:16 PM
i did not watched the end series of westworld yet.
Pumpilicious, my lie was 3. smile2
i think, the lie of Pumpilicious is 2.

i think, the lie of StormMessages is 3.

i hope, i can know the one of both ohwell

my ask;
- i like visiting the ancient cities
- i have not lost any kg recently
- i can be a little stubborn

pumpilicious 💕's photo
Sun 03/15/20 08:58 PM
My lie #3:grimacing:

@stormi #1 is your lie?
@mrm #2 is your lie?

#1 I have a sweet tooth
#2 I usually overcook food
#3 I live in the city, but love the country

Mrmxb's photo
Tue 03/17/20 02:20 PM
my lie was 2. Pumpilicious :thumbsup:

was not also your lie 2?

- i like the tea
- i like the coffee
- both of above are not right
(did this happen like the exam question?)

no photo
Thu 03/19/20 09:44 AM
#3 was my lie. Never took archery lessons tho loved it at summer camp.

Mrmxb #3 is your lie?
Pumpilicious #2 is your lie?

1. I am allergic to roaches.
2. I am allergic to dogs.
3. I am allergic to cats.