Topic: Use the last word to start a new sentence - part 6 | |
goes and blows bubbles
bubbles in my bath is an added bonus
bonus would be company in those bubbles
Bubbles is Eric’s new name.
name like that will never stick
Stick to Captain Caveman.
Captain caveman will never admit he likes being called bubbles
bubbles is a better name for certain blondes
Blondes have more fun or so they say
True or false questions are sometimes tricky.
Messages are lengthy & boring
Boring is optional
Optional additional insurance is always offered when buying a car.
car that needs optional insurance might not be the best car to buy
Buy flowers for someone today or better yet, pick some wild flowers.
flower in bloom the only one in my yard is wild rose
rose I haven't seen, but many beautiful wild flowers here on the trails in the woods.
woods kitties should be kept at a distance
Distance can be a problem if you can't find time to travel