Topic: General chat for 18 - 30's - part 2
AngeBrulant's photo
Tue 12/18/07 11:34 AM
Hehehe...I'm so sleepy.

How are you dear?:smile:

bearfan385's photo
Tue 12/18/07 11:35 AM
Good and you hun? You should take a nap or do you have the other final still?

AngeBrulant's photo
Tue 12/18/07 11:40 AM
I should take a nap! But I decided to come into work since I haven't been here for a while laugh
So I'll nap after work :smile: Though I do have to finish writing a play by 3 tomorrow...any suggestions? :tongue:

bearfan385's photo
Tue 12/18/07 11:45 AM
how long does it have to be and does it have to be over anything specific?

AngeBrulant's photo
Tue 12/18/07 11:48 AM
60 pages or so? I have...30ish 40ish so far.
So far I have an interesting tale of a girl with an over controlling mother and a boyfriend who she loves but he doesn't really show it back. On the day she decides to leave home she his hit by a car which results in switching personalities. On her medication she seems normal, but without it she becomes either child like or overly b*tchy. Her mother noticing the lack of medication resulting in more child like behavior tries to convince her daughter not to take the medication so she can keep her little girl. The boy friend gets suspicious and confronts the family....and now...I don't know how I to end itlaugh

bearfan385's photo
Tue 12/18/07 12:00 PM
WOW.... um..... yeah...... I really dont know what to tell you laugh

AngeBrulant's photo
Tue 12/18/07 12:06 PM
laugh It's okay...I'll figure out something evetually.

bearfan385's photo
Tue 12/18/07 12:12 PM
Yeah I hope least you have all night to do it :wink:

AngeBrulant's photo
Tue 12/18/07 12:16 PM
Very very true!
Though I have no idea if I'm meeting the guy tonight laugh I was too busy last night to really talk to him.

bearfan385's photo
Tue 12/18/07 12:52 PM
So how did you find this guy?????

And you definately have to give me details if you do meet laugh

AngeBrulant's photo
Tue 12/18/07 01:01 PM
Through this site! (I'm only apart of one lol) Its just crazy coincidence that he goes to school in the same city as me and lives more than 10 minutes from my campus laugh

bearfan385's photo
Tue 12/18/07 01:24 PM
HAHAHAH interesting... best of luck to ya.

Meet the guy even if its just to catch some dinner

AngeBrulant's photo
Tue 12/18/07 01:28 PM
We're both broke laugh So who knows what will happen. I do want to sleep though...ooh time management is not my thing! laugh

bearfan385's photo
Tue 12/18/07 01:52 PM
It'll get better the longer you go through college. Trust me.

So are you guys just thinking of meeting up and hanging out then?

AngeBrulant's photo
Tue 12/18/07 02:25 PM year will be my last so let's hope! (For undergad anyway)

That was the original plan. But I'm not too sure what's happening anymore, with me about to take a nap and all lol.

ZacharyRyan's photo
Tue 12/18/07 03:14 PM
haaaay guyz :tongue:

buttons's photo
Tue 12/18/07 03:19 PM
oops wrong room:wink: laugh laugh

ZacharyRyan's photo
Tue 12/18/07 05:47 PM
50 ODD Things about you!

Learn 50 things about your friends, and let them learn 50 things about you!

1. Do you like blue cheese?
When my cheese turns blue, I throw it away

2. Have you ever smoked heroin?

3. Do you own a gun?

4. Your favorite song?
Wind Cries Mary - Jimi Hendrix

5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments?
I don't remember, it's been that long since I've been there

6. What do you think of hot dogs?
Not my favorite meal, but they'll work in a pinch

7. Favorite Christmas song?
Don't think I have one

8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
some kind of Dole juice

9. Can you do push ups?
of course

11. What's your favorite piece of jewelry?
my watch I guess, I don't wear jewelry

12. Favorite hobby?
Motorcycling I guess

14. Do you have A.D.D.?
What was the question again? Oh yeah.. probably.

15. What one trait do you hate about yourself?
Procrastination... terrible procrastinator...

16. What is your middle name?

17. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment...
1. My dogs are driving me crazy
2. I hope my burgers aren't burning
3. I wonder if the Cavs play tonight?

18. What happened to 13?
I guess it was unlucky

19. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink.?
Crystal Light, water, juice

20. Current worry right now?
Getting my grad school application done

21. Current hate right now?
That it gets dark so darn early

22. Favorite place to be?
In a park

23. How did you bring in the New Year?
I think I was drinking at Colleen's house

24. Where would you like to go?
eastern Africa

25. Name three people who will complete this?
No clue

26. Do you own slippers?
wearing them at this moment actually

27. What shirt are you wearing?
white Nike t-shirt

28. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets
Sheets and I don't get along very well

29. Can you whistle?
not very well

30. Favorite color?

31. Would you be a pirate?
I think I'd get seasick

32. What songs do you sing in the shower?
whatever is on my cd player or radio at the time

33. Favorite girl's name?
not sure

34. Favorite boy's name?
Alexander - lots of cool Alexanders in history

5. What's in your pocket right now?
cell phone

36. Last thing that made you laugh?
a stupid Rudy Giuliani cartoon

37. Best bed sheets as a child?
who would know that? seriously

38. Worst injury you've ever had?
cracked rib - junior high football... hurt every breathe for a while

39. Do you love where you live?
I wouldn't say I'm in love with it, no

40. How many TVs do you have in your house?

41. Who is your loudest friend?
probably Colleen

42. How many dogs do you have?
2, but mom's (1) also lives with me

43. Does someone have a crush on you?
no clue, I never pick up on those things

44. Favorite book?
The Blind Watchmaker - Richard Dawkins

46. What is your favorite candy?
I don't really eat much candy, my favorite sweet is currently Peanut Butter Clif bars

47. Favorite Sports Team?
Buckeyes football

48. What song do you want played at your funeral?
Funeral for a Friend - Elton John

49. What were you doing 12 AM last night?
Climbing into bed

50. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up?
damn, that was quick

AngeBrulant's photo
Tue 12/18/07 06:09 PM
I love random surveys.
I have an LJ and I remember when there was a different one every week! *is going to fill it out...*

Hello :smile:

And what? [28. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets
Sheets and I don't get along very well] laugh

ZacharyRyan's photo
Tue 12/18/07 06:17 PM
My sheets always end up in a ball by my feet... normally I just use a bed cover and a comforter :tongue: