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Topic: General chat for 18 - 30's - part 2
ZacharyRyan's photo
Sat 12/08/07 04:28 PM
$20 will do me for a couple days... if I spend wisely. laugh

My meal plan was all you can eat at a buffet-style place, so it was obviously different than yours... sounds like you just put the money on a card and then when you buy things it debits off?

I stop at places and eat alone quite a bit, like at Chipotle or something... my female friend has like a phobia about that or something and thinks that people eating alone is the saddest thing in the world... quite funny. I don't think it is that big of a deal and a lot of times that's the only option I have...

Dkbetthat's photo
Sat 12/08/07 04:35 PM
hey everyone.. starbucks has me breathin heavy just thought id say somethin

AngeBrulant's photo
Sat 12/08/07 04:37 PM
Haha. Nope we've got buffet style and a pay with the money we give you by card type deal thing....But at the buffet style they do box lunches which is ultra convenient.

I feel like if I were to go out and eat alone somewhere, it would be a diner. And I would become a regular. I've always wanted to become a regular somewhere. The lady who does box lunches remembers me and what I want and it makes me happy :smile:

Hello Dk!

ZacharyRyan's photo
Sat 12/08/07 04:40 PM
Box lunches would have been convenient... they didn't let us take food out of the place because it was all you can eat ... no doggie bags!

I'll eat about anywhere alone, doesn't matter to me. I usually take a magazine... it can be relaxing!

Always nice when someone remembers what you want :smile:

AngeBrulant's photo
Sat 12/08/07 04:42 PM
I figure eating alone could also be a good way to meet someone, if they are also eating alone. Any luck there for you? Any really awesome random conversations with a person you'll probably never see again? haha. I always thought those would be fun.

ZacharyRyan's photo
Sat 12/08/07 04:46 PM
I'm a sissy, so I doubt I'd ever just approach someone and start talking laugh

I'm sure I have had some of those conversations before but nothing that I ever initiated... maybe with a waitress or bartender, etc.

The Heisman Trophy award ceremony is tonight... if anyone cares and forgot :smile:

AngeBrulant's photo
Sat 12/08/07 04:51 PM
Yep. I've got no clue what that is. laugh laugh

ZacharyRyan's photo
Sat 12/08/07 04:52 PM
It is the biggest college football award... for the most outstanding player :smile:

AngeBrulant's photo
Sat 12/08/07 04:55 PM
Oooh. I kinda feel like that something Bear would want to watch. I wonder where she is...and I wonder if she knoows...

I hope you enjoy it either way haha...I've got an episode of Heroes to catch up on tonight.

ZacharyRyan's photo
Sat 12/08/07 04:58 PM
I'm not going to watch the whole ceremony but I do want to make sure my prediction is correct :wink:

Tim Tebow will be the winner.... or should be :smile:

AngeBrulant's photo
Sat 12/08/07 04:59 PM
From an Ohio team? :tongue:

ZacharyRyan's photo
Sat 12/08/07 05:04 PM
No... from the much hated Florida... but he deserves it :smile:

AngeBrulant's photo
Sat 12/08/07 05:10 PM
Welp, then I hope your prediction is correct as well!
I'm going to go watch that episode of Heroes though. I'll be back on later tonight =)

ZacharyRyan's photo
Sat 12/08/07 05:10 PM
cya Ange :smile:

niceguy1999's photo
Sat 12/08/07 05:24 PM
hello everyone whats up

ZacharyRyan's photo
Sat 12/08/07 05:25 PM

niceguy1999's photo
Sat 12/08/07 05:27 PM
how are you

katrina_4888's photo
Sat 12/08/07 05:29 PM
hey guys. and girls. haha. has anyone seen superbad? is it good? figured i'd ask the younger crowd. =]

ZacharyRyan's photo
Sat 12/08/07 05:29 PM
I'm alright, just watching the Heisman ceremony a little bit and messing with my dogs.

niceguy1999's photo
Sat 12/08/07 05:31 PM
sounds fun and no i didnt see it

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