Topic: Hollie...
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Mon 12/03/07 02:17 PM
Hi all, Iv'e just found out that my x-wife has decided to 'up sticks' and move down to Devon with my 4 year old daughter, 'Hollie'. At the moment, I'm going through legal channels to stop her from doing it.... but I think I'm fighting a losing battle.... So sorry for posting this song....

Hollie, my love, I will never lose you
I will never let you go, I will pull you through
So don't be afraid, 'cause I am always here
Deep inside your heart, theres no need to fear

I know I sigh, yes I sigh
Just don't ask me why
I know I cry, yes I cry,
I can't just say goodbye..

When you were born, you really turned my life around
You made me realize, this gift that I had found
The hope that you gave me, the love that you will always show
Will stay with me for life, I just can't let you go

I know I sigh, yes I sigh
Just don't ask me why
I know I cry, yes I cry,
I just can't say goodbye..

Take in your heart, a piece of me, a memory
Youv'e got a dad who loves you lady, for eternity
And take in your soul, the air that you will always breathe
I will always be your dad and that will never leave....

I know I sigh, yes I sigh
Just don't ask me why
I know I cry, yes I cry
I just can't say goodbye

So when, my love, you cry, looking for the dad you need
You know the one who always held you, the one who's heart will bleed
Well, I will still be here, waiting for my girl , Hollie
So please always remember, youv'e still got a dad, and that is me........

DebbieJT's photo
Mon 12/03/07 02:18 PM
thats beautiful hun hope can sort out