Topic: Acronym Alternatives | |
Rules:1. Give The Acronym and the words for which they stand for.
2. The Alternative words you want for the acronym. 3. The Alternative has to be related in some way to the original one. Example: FWB = Friends With Benefits FWB = Friends With Beds |
MWC= Married white couple = Miserable white couple |
Ttyl : talk to you later
Ttyl : thanks to your love |
LDR = Long distance relationship = Lonely desperate Romance
TLDR: Too long; didn't read
TLDR: Tough love; don't retreat |
dh - date hookup
dh - dating happily |
LOL: Laugh out Loud
LOL: Look or laugh |
SMH -- shaking my head
SMH -- smoke more hooters... |
Kiss my Auntie |