Topic: whats up everyone
cherryxxangel89's photo
Sun 12/02/07 06:57 AM
hows your day going so far?
what are your plans?

Twitch's photo
Sun 12/02/07 07:08 AM
Morning Cherry

It's cold and snowing:angry: So no plans for today except stay warm and watch a good movieflowerforyou

SomeCut005's photo
Sun 12/02/07 07:22 AM
Good Morning!:smile: No real plans for the day, cold & snowy. Have a good one!

sum14u2c's photo
Sun 12/02/07 07:43 AM
good morning back 2 u! my list 4 the day...a couch, a blanket, a pillow, & the sports channel...not necessarily in that order, lol!