Topic: the children are the future...good luck!
Jtevans's photo
Sun 12/02/07 02:28 AM

Jt, do you have children? huh

No but i have taken care of my nieces and nephews enough to know their "ADD"isn't ADD at all because if they start getting rowdy,if i tell them to stop,they will.they don't have issues paying attention like the dr says they do.instead they have isues with WANTING attention.

Jess642's photo
Sun 12/02/07 02:37 AM
I agree there are many, many children 'over-diagnosed' and 'syndromed out'.... medicated, sedated, and labelled.

However, I disagree with the discipline.... Respect....both shown and required, is more the key.

This whole belief structure of 'kids have no rights'.... 'Do as I say, not as I do'...the whole belief structure is flawed.

Children when raised respectfully, and offered respect, reciprocate instinctually.

Attention Deficit Disorder, is very real.... children are NOT paid attention.... how do they learn to be attentive, when the whole world they exist in is distracted, and they are only offered distractions?

Jtevans's photo
Sun 12/02/07 02:53 AM
but how do you expect them to obey the laws in the future if they don't obey the rules the parents set?what's going to happen is they're going to think they can do anything they want and get off with just being told "you shouldn't do that".breaking the law has alot worse punishment than what a parent normally gives and they need to know the parent is being serious with the punishment.

look at how many kids just laugh at the parents or start mouthing them when the parent tries to correct them with the "take a time out"routine grumble

Jess642's photo
Sun 12/02/07 02:57 AM
Edited by Jess642 on Sun 12/02/07 02:58 AM
Where did they learn it from JT?

Stop for a moment... and think, please...

Just to let you know, I studied this very topic, I wrote a thesis on it.... I live it, and have raised or raising four kids, two grown, one young teen now, and a prepubescent, and I also work with youth.... this is part of my field.

We see through different eyes is all...

I don't see discipline as the root 'problem solver', you do... different opinions, but both wanting the same outcome.... healthier kids, for a healthier society.

Jtevans's photo
Sun 12/02/07 03:06 AM
i agree,we do both have different ideas on how to raise children and i respect yours but that's because i don't believe any parent should be told how to raise their children.that's why it pisses me off that certain states not have laws saying how you can't and can't punish your children

LAMom's photo
Sun 12/02/07 06:43 AM
Marjorie Holmes
A child's hand in yours — what tenderness it arouses, what power it conjures. You are instantly the very touchstone of power and wisdom.

yokoke's photo
Sun 12/02/07 09:52 AM

that's why it pisses me off that certain states not have laws saying how you can't and can't punish your children

Then be proactive and start with the changing the laws....

yokoke's photo
Sun 12/02/07 10:11 AM

With the way the world is going today, i'm glad my life is half over. the future is looking pretty bleek for the next generation!

I guess we all see things differently. The new generation is frightening and exciting all at the same time. Our parents and grandparents most likely at some point expressed the same thoughts for us.

The future does have more of technological spin on it for the next generation, but advances can be good and bad depending on your philosophy.

I have a ten year gap between child #1 and child #2 and it is amazing to see the growth in the generations as such. But for my situation child #2 is an Indigo child and trying to find the balance and harmony she needs is important so that she can reach her potential.

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sun 12/02/07 10:49 AM

the pleak in the world from the u s point

is that the parents of today

were raised on the transfer of discipline ideas

and now that the radical passive disciplinarians

have gained so much control

the youth of today do not see the consequence

of their actions therefore they do harsher

and harsher things as each generation ages

unless something is done to curb this

in another 30 years it will be like a mad max

movie of sorts it already is in some places

but hey what do i know

i agree,i think kids today need more disciplin.they need to be taught if they do something wrong,they won't get away with it.when i was a kid,ADD wasn't a common thing but now pretty much every kid has ADD.i think that's just a way for the drug companies to make more money because 1/2 the kids i know that supposively have ADD,if the parents would teach them disciplin,i think it would give rid of their ADD.

excuse me my kid is ADHD and on meds .he is hyper,intelligent but is also a rugged individualist which is great when your an adult but is not regarded as a great trait in a kid...I do set rules but i try to remember he is a person with feelings also.doesnt always work but hey i try.
I am soooooooo sick for people with the woe is me attitude cause their parents didnt buy them a puppy when they were six or had to work all the time or didnt hug them enough.boohoo.
ya gotta grow up sometime and chose your own damn path despite or because of the values you pick up along the way.once kids go to school its a crap shoot.all you can do is guide them and try to see the right message gets thru.I have great faith in the new generation.they actually know whts up in current events,give a **** about the earth and such.
my kids are 16 years apart and my seven yr old knows more than the oldest one did at his age.They both have their unique traits though and my daughter has kids of her own so she too is raising a new generation..kind of neat.

Jtevans's photo
Sun 12/02/07 11:01 AM

the pleak in the world from the u s point

is that the parents of today

were raised on the transfer of discipline ideas

and now that the radical passive disciplinarians

have gained so much control

the youth of today do not see the consequence

of their actions therefore they do harsher

and harsher things as each generation ages

unless something is done to curb this

in another 30 years it will be like a mad max

movie of sorts it already is in some places

but hey what do i know

i agree,i think kids today need more disciplin.they need to be taught if they do something wrong,they won't get away with it.when i was a kid,ADD wasn't a common thing but now pretty much every kid has ADD.i think that's just a way for the drug companies to make more money because 1/2 the kids i know that supposively have ADD,if the parents would teach them disciplin,i think it would give rid of their ADD.

excuse me my kid is ADHD and on meds .he is hyper,intelligent but is also a rugged individualist which is great when your an adult but is not regarded as a great trait in a kid...I do set rules but i try to remember he is a person with feelings also.doesnt always work but hey i try.
I am soooooooo sick for people with the woe is me attitude cause their parents didnt buy them a puppy when they were six or had to work all the time or didnt hug them enough.boohoo.
ya gotta grow up sometime and chose your own damn path despite or because of the values you pick up along the way.once kids go to school its a crap shoot.all you can do is guide them and try to see the right message gets thru.I have great faith in the new generation.they actually know whts up in current events,give a **** about the earth and such.
my kids are 16 years apart and my seven yr old knows more than the oldest one did at his age.They both have their unique traits though and my daughter has kids of her own so she too is raising a new generation..kind of neat.

i wasn't boohooing over anything,hell i'm glad my mom busted my @$$ when i did something wrong,otherwise i might have turned out to be some little hoodlum that doesn't give a s*** about anyone or anything.

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sun 12/02/07 11:12 AM
sorry jt the boohoo part wasnt for you..i am old and tend to rant..laugh

adj4u's photo
Sun 12/02/07 11:29 AM

Where did they learn it from JT?

Stop for a moment... and think, please...

Just to let you know, I studied this very topic, I wrote a thesis on it.... I live it, and have raised or raising four kids, two grown, one young teen now, and a prepubescent, and I also work with youth.... this is part of my field.

We see through different eyes is all...

I don't see discipline as the root 'problem solver', you do... different opinions, but both wanting the same outcome.... healthier kids, for a healthier society.

attention seeking is not learned it is human nature

not seeking attention is learned

but if a child doe not get positive attention

negative attention is better than no attention in their mind

so they act out to gain some attention

it just may be that someone needs to spend some

quality time with the kids and if the family dont

then their is always the ""internet stalker""

but hey what do i know

Jtevans's photo
Sun 12/02/07 11:32 AM

sorry jt the boohoo part wasnt for you..i am old and tend to rant..laugh

oh,well i tend to rant too so no offense taken laugh laugh laugh :wink:

Jess642's photo
Sun 12/02/07 03:00 PM
Edited by Jess642 on Sun 12/02/07 03:00 PM
Children.... precious gifts.....not commodities.

Children that have chosen to 'come through us', not from us....

Children.... full of hope and shining light....

Children.... the laughter in the world.

Young people.... the beginnings of something great.

Children.... young people.... a collective global consciousness, not yet allowed to show their full strengths..

Young people... little people....the caretakers of us in our frail and golden sunsets....

be careful with how you treat them... for as are they treated, so are you.

yokoke's photo
Sun 12/02/07 03:08 PM

Children.... precious gifts.....not commodities.

Children that have chosen to 'come through us', not from us....

Children.... full of hope and shining light....

Children.... the laughter in the world.

Young people.... the beginnings of something great.

Children.... young people.... a collective global consciousness, not yet allowed to show their full strengths..

Young people... little people....the caretakers of us in our frail and golden sunsets....

be careful with how you treat them... for as are they treated, so are you.

Plus the lil buggers pick out our nursing home so the rumors go....:wink: :smile:

Jess642's photo
Sun 12/02/07 03:10 PM
laugh laugh laugh Mine have express conditions set upon them.... when I get old and dribbly and can't remember my name, they are to place me in a dinghy, with a bottle of water, tow me out to the international water line, and cut me adrift....

I won't care.... I won't even know who I am...laugh laugh laugh

hello56's photo
Sun 12/02/07 04:31 PM
Edited by hello56 on Sun 12/02/07 04:32 PM

I agree, and disagree...

These children are the future ambassadors... the future leaders... the scientists, the poets, the governors, the society.

These children that we are raising, if given the opportunity to be all of themselves, are more globally aware than previous generations.

When they are 'forced' to adhere to out dated religions, and ways of doing things, they become despondent.

They may inherit a shadow of her former glory, in this earth,... but I have faith in our young people, they have a higher consciousness, than most adults already.

These Children have a hards time finding England on a map...
We are doomed...huh

yokoke's photo
Sun 12/02/07 04:36 PM

I agree, and disagree...

These children are the future ambassadors... the future leaders... the scientists, the poets, the governors, the society.

These children that we are raising, if given the opportunity to be all of themselves, are more globally aware than previous generations.

When they are 'forced' to adhere to out dated religions, and ways of doing things, they become despondent.

They may inherit a shadow of her former glory, in this earth,... but I have faith in our young people, they have a higher consciousness, than most adults already.

These Children have a hards time finding England on a map...
We are doomed...huh

Not all children....are lumped into your category.

Turtlepoet78's photo
Sun 12/02/07 04:46 PM
Edited by Turtlepoet78 on Sun 12/02/07 04:48 PM

I agree, and disagree...

These children are the future ambassadors... the future leaders... the scientists, the poets, the governors, the society.

These children that we are raising, if given the opportunity to be all of themselves, are more globally aware than previous generations.

When they are 'forced' to adhere to out dated religions, and ways of doing things, they become despondent.

They may inherit a shadow of her former glory, in this earth,... but I have faith in our young people, they have a higher consciousness, than most adults already.

These Children have a hards time finding England on a map...
We are doomed...huh

Not all children....are lumped into your category.

Amen to that, my niece is only 9 & she already knows the basic history of Sumer & Sargons conquests. Some of these kids today are actualy pretty sharp;^]

hello56's photo
Sun 12/02/07 04:52 PM

I agree, and disagree...

These children are the future ambassadors... the future leaders... the scientists, the poets, the governors, the society.

These children that we are raising, if given the opportunity to be all of themselves, are more globally aware than previous generations.

When they are 'forced' to adhere to out dated religions, and ways of doing things, they become despondent.

They may inherit a shadow of her former glory, in this earth,... but I have faith in our young people, they have a higher consciousness, than most adults already.

These Children have a hards time finding England on a map...
We are doomed...huh

Not all children....are lumped into your category.

Tis true, just as all will not turn out to be so precious in the end...

Lets hope the future leaders have a better understanding of their world then the present leaders do. I am afraid that will never change though. The future leaders will be the children of the present leaders. It's ordained by the all seeing eye. Wealth begets power, power begets leadership. Its evolution in its simplest form.