Topic: chiter
chandan995318268's photo
Sun 12/10/17 09:38 AM
you all are chiter tould me the is free site but you want to pay

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 12/10/17 09:49 AM
Not sure what chiter is but it is free. The Mutual Match that you have to pay for, is nothing but an upgrade. Mutual match has ALWAYS been a guessing game. Don't limit yourself to just matches

no photo
Sun 12/10/17 09:53 AM
I think he means Cheater, and all should take match with a pinch of salt . :)

no photo
Sun 12/10/17 12:04 PM

you all are chiter tould me the is free site but you want to pay

Hey, don't lump us all in.. o.k., nobody is sending cash my way.

And its... cheater... not chiter... a chiter is that thing behind you. That's how the folks in the south say it.