Topic: Have you ever - part 22
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Fri 05/11/18 12:19 PM

Have you ever been shocked?

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Fri 05/11/18 12:20 PM
sometimes it is a laugh I am having with myself. like spending 15 minutes trying to think of the name rutabaga.

Have you ever had rutabaga?

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Fri 05/11/18 12:23 PM
Yes, but my doctor gave me pills

Have you ever had a dance on the beach.

BlueEyedNerd's photo
Fri 05/11/18 10:28 PM

Have you ever had your DNA mapped?

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Sat 05/12/18 12:09 AM
Yup .. happen to have a criminal record from the past .. lol

Have you ever got into a trouble not by your own will?

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Sat 05/12/18 04:51 AM
yup, I was attacked by a lady who tried to murder me at Chuck-e-cheeses. She made sure I got arrested because she did not succeed. That was when I found out that those 'cameras' at Chuck-e-Cheese were just boxes and not cameras. Laws don't even allow me to sue her for the court costs nor the court costs to have my report expunged due to her lies. And she was the one abusing two little children and they wouldn't press charges against her for child abuse because it wasn't caught on cameras.

Have you ever used a cold drink against your skin to cool off?

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Sat 05/12/18 09:57 AM

Have you ever wondered where some authors get their ideas from.

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Sat 05/12/18 10:40 AM
Definitely! Especially after the stories we used in my speech class the other night. WOW!!!

Have you ever thought that some authors must be mentally unstable after reading their writings?

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Sun 05/13/18 12:16 AM
Yes, but we continue to read on, and probably enjoyed it.

Have you ever thought what does that say about us.

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Sun 05/13/18 10:19 AM

Have you ever glued grains of rice to the ceiling...

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Sun 05/13/18 10:35 AM

Have you ever fallen out of a window.

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Sun 05/13/18 11:13 AM

Have you ever picked wild mushrooms?

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Sun 05/13/18 12:50 PM
no, I have this thing about squishing wild mushrooms. I have always found stomping on them to be so enjoyable. The only times I have refrained from squashing them was when I had science teachers who gave extra credit if we brought them in and those big puffy ones that when you stomp them they spray everywhere (learned the hard way about that type)

have you ever had Lindt chocolates?

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Sun 05/13/18 02:49 PM
Yes, nice

Have you ever been chased across a field by a bull.

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Sun 05/13/18 02:59 PM

Have you ever been chased by a dog nipping at you ankles?

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Sun 05/13/18 03:04 PM

Have you ever chased a dog that’s escaped.

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Sun 05/13/18 03:12 PM
Yes, a mean dog too. scared

Have you ever been caught in the rain with no shelter around?

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Sun 05/13/18 03:34 PM
I have been out in heavy rains with no shelter, but I would not call them being caught in the rain. I wear baseball caps to keep my glasses dry so I can see. When I was working on farms, I would be in the rain taking care of things a lot.

Have you ever had to go after steers that got out of their confinement?

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Mon 05/14/18 02:29 PM

Have you ever wondered what’s on the other side of a black hole.

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Mon 05/14/18 06:40 PM
yes. While my grandmother always hoped to be able to travel to the activity center of the Bermuda Triangle, I want to go into a Black Hole.

Have you ever been on the radio?
(WKRP in Cincinnati is on TV right now)