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Topic: What Is Going On Here?
don60036's photo
Sat 11/24/07 03:04 PM
Why does it seem like women only view my profile and then run like rabbits? Do i scare them? Do I not have enough info in my profile? Or am I just over-anxious for something to happen? If a woman wants to know more about me all she has to do is have the courage to send me an e mail. Games are for kids.

lillydink's photo
Sat 11/24/07 03:08 PM
Edited by lillydink on Sat 11/24/07 03:09 PM
Well personally you're too old for me, but I know I can speak on behalf of other women when I say that we all want more pictures & information to fall in love with.

I think you should upload some more pics and make your info a bit more personable, tell us what kind of guy you are and.... well just a little bit more about yourself.

oh and also don't be afraid to e-mail any of the girls you are interested in, they might have been interested but to afraid or shy to say hi.

hope that helps!:smile:

needagoodlaugh's photo
Sat 11/24/07 03:08 PM
Email them and introduce yourself. That's what I do.flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

no photo
Sat 11/24/07 03:09 PM
they thought you were fred thompson---

don60036's photo
Sat 11/24/07 03:12 PM
Fred Thompson, Ha Ha

dchatwin's photo
Sat 11/24/07 03:15 PM
Yea...what lillydink said

don60036's photo
Sat 11/24/07 03:18 PM
So what type of info do wommen want?

lillydink's photo
Sat 11/24/07 03:22 PM
how about some family pictures?

how about some info on what you do, what you like to do (hobbie n such), or what kind of guy you are (a.k.a funny, nice, generous, etc)

lillydink's photo
Sat 11/24/07 03:22 PM
p.s. hi dc!

magickmanyakima's photo
Sat 11/24/07 03:25 PM
I have the same problem. Sometimes, it doesn't matter how attractive or unattractive you might be. A lot of women have been burnt by former love interests, and being extra cautious. There are lots of women that are your age who would probably love to meet you. You just need to have patience and understanding. I know that the right person will eventually come into my life. Heck! I may have already found her. But, I am being cautious for the same reasons as the ladies. My heart is still healing, and I am in no hurry to get hurt again. Besides, my babies mean more to me than any woman. They always come first. Just hang in there fella. Your match will come to you, soon. It's in the cards.



dchatwin's photo
Sat 11/24/07 03:26 PM
Edited by dchatwin on Sat 11/24/07 03:27 PM
Don> I juz try to imagine I'm on a date explaining to a woman what my likes and dislikes are, hobbies, all that good stuff to let her know what kind of guy I am. So when people come and look at your profile they can get a pretty good idea of what kind of guy you are. But definitely have a lot of pictures and don't worry about being too specific.

Lilly> Hi cutie :wink: I'm glad you at least live in the same state as I do lol

don60036's photo
Sat 11/24/07 03:31 PM
Ok. I took your advice. I added more pics and more info. I basically redid my profile!

no photo
Sat 11/24/07 03:54 PM
As far as I can determine, about 95% of my profile views come from people who saw something I wrote in the forums.

Think about it -- if all you have is a profile, then no one sees it unless it shows up in a search, or unless they're looking specifically for you.

If you want exposure on this site, if you want people to know you even HAVE a profile for them to go look at, you have to establish a presence in the forums. 11 posts is not going to do it!

don60036's photo
Sat 11/24/07 03:57 PM
Ok. I have been posting more, though.

no photo
Sat 11/24/07 04:16 PM
i think most people just check out the profiles to learn a little more about the person ..i dont think that it means they are necessarily interested in dating them i dont think that they are running..if they were interested i believe they would let their feelings be known ..if not than that means ive deleted a whole lot of potentials...i could be wrong but im new to this also ...glasses

no photo
Sat 11/24/07 04:27 PM
:heart: PIC'S help SHOW who YOU ARE!!!!!bigsmile :heart:

no photo
Sat 11/24/07 04:33 PM
I have alot of ladies look at my profile, THEY like ME, will LOOK toread and see who YOU are or WHAT your about, but TRUST ME, NOT BUT A FEW DO EMAIL ME to say HI...
But I TO will LOOK and NOT email,,,ALL that I read...?
Just a timing thing and an interest thing at THAT time..
I wouldn't put much thought into the ones looking, JUST BE GALD "ANYONE" IS LOOKING,wink,wink,lol
thats how I look at it,lol... GOOD LUCK HERE...:heart:

Flyinguy's photo
Sat 11/24/07 04:34 PM
whats up peeps?

Flyinguy's photo
Sat 11/24/07 04:36 PM
I feel so alone......:wink:

kearbey75's photo
Sat 11/24/07 04:36 PM

Well personally you're too old for me, but I know I can speak on behalf of other women when I say that we all want more pictures & information to fall in love with.

I think you should upload some more pics and make your info a bit more personable, tell us what kind of guy you are and.... well just a little bit more about yourself.

oh and also don't be afraid to e-mail any of the girls you are interested in, they might have been interested but to afraid or shy to say hi.

hope that helps!:smile:Lilly am i to old for you!:wink:

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