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Topic: " I Told You Guys So....Me Vs. Trump !
EyeAmYourHost39's photo
Thu 05/04/17 01:42 PM
Good Day my M2 family, shots goes out to all, I mean my " Hot Tea " topics to be mega hits thank to those who voices in my Cyber Mansion. Okay, I'm getting ready to P-off America once again & to be honest I really don't care. See one thing I like about hosting my own forums is I don't have to be right by the public but in my world it makes sense to me. So Trump supporters, I got some contradictions to bring to the table. Okay lets starts with his plans and before I proceed I'm give it to you what's been written and know to all Americans no matter what walk of life you fall in " He Has No Interest In The Common Folk Only The Interest In His Benefit". Okay lets start with....

Raised Housing Payments For Homebuyers By About 2017.

Delayed Enforcement Of A Rule Workers Exposure To Deadly Silca Dust For 3 Months.

Now People I posting the key points, its paragraphs in between I leave the Research up to you.

Tried To Cut His Own Taxes By Millions Of Dollars While Taking Health Insurance From Tens Of Millions Of Americans.

Veterans Plight
Made It Harder For Veterans To Find Jobs With A Federal Hiring Freeze.

Mothers This 4 You
Proposed Slash The WIC Program

Proposed Allowed A Dangerous Pesticide To Stay On The Market, Despite It Being A Threat To Children's Health.

Now this is just a few I have im give you more during the comments. So what do you think about your President now? You still have faith in your boy " The Donald"? Let's talk about it, All comments will be answered. Thank You All

EyeAmYourHost39's photo
Thu 05/04/17 03:34 PM

Okay lets continue,

Declared Open Season On Baby Bears & Wolves In Wildlife Refuges.

Moved To Weaken Air Quality Standards For Ozone.

Ripped Off American Taxpayers & Avoided Fixing The Broken Federal Coal-Leasing Program.

Pulled The Rug From Under Private Investors Backing Conservation Efforts.

Atmosphere II
Moved To Weaken Air Quality Standards For Ozone.

Democracy & Government Reform
Imperiled American Voters With Untrue Claims About Illegal Voting.

Sign Two Muslim & Refugee Bans, Both Of Which Have Been Enjoined By Federal Courts.

Began To Undermined Medicaid.

Higher Learning
Reinstate The Global Gag Rule

Proposed Defunding Planned Parenthood.

Okay I have plenty more ill wills, America this isn't for everybody, this just to let those " Trump Supporters" to open there eyes, he's not for America, but for those who share his income Bracket. Don't get caught in man, you will lose your self power.

no photo
Thu 05/04/17 03:40 PM
shocked noway surprised Hi Eye Hope your having a good day. smile2

EyeAmYourHost39's photo
Thu 05/04/17 03:48 PM

Hey buddy well matter of fact I am having an awesome day what about you?

no photo
Thu 05/04/17 04:36 PM
Okay lets start with....

The source?

So what do you think about your President now?

Still better than Hillary.
Are you under the impression there is going to be some sort of Jesus going into office at any time?

You still have faith in your boy " The Donald"?

Never had "faith" in him.
He was one of two realistic options for office.

I have plenty more ill wills...I leave the Research up to you

I can probably visit any liberal/democrat leaning website and figure out what ill wills you are told to have that justify your dislike of Trump.
You might want to do some actual research yourself, rather than just taking what one biased news agency tells you.

Most of the things listed are heavily distorted, misinterpreted, or overlook things like support from other agencies that are still run by Obama appointees.

Or the necessity of having to throw out 3 "good" provisions to get rid of 1 absolutely horrible and over reaching law because that's how politicians pass bills, by loading them up with whatever they can, making any repeal of a law have thorns; "oh you want to repeal the forced sodomy of goats bill? Those goats are used as food for the children! Forcing disabled vets to sodomize goats give them jobs so they can care for their families! Forced sodomy on goats plugs them up so they don't crap or release as much greenhouse gases! Why do you want to take food away from children, unemploy vets, and harm the environment?! Trump hates children and is harming them! Trump hates the troops! Trumps an ecological nightmare! Aaaaaaaagh! "

no photo
Thu 05/04/17 04:39 PM
I Told You Guys So....Me Vs. Trump !


o.k. you vs. Trump.. so lets match you up against Trump.

what have ya done?.. lets compare.

no photo
Thu 05/04/17 05:10 PM


Okay lets continue,

Declared Open Season On Baby Bears & Wolves In Wildlife Refuges.

Moved To Weaken Air Quality Standards For Ozone.

Ripped Off American Taxpayers & Avoided Fixing The Broken Federal Coal-Leasing Program.

Pulled The Rug From Under Private Investors Backing Conservation Efforts.

Atmosphere II
Moved To Weaken Air Quality Standards For Ozone.

Democracy & Government Reform
Imperiled American Voters With Untrue Claims About Illegal Voting.

Sign Two Muslim & Refugee Bans, Both Of Which Have Been Enjoined By Federal Courts.

Began To Undermined Medicaid.

Higher Learning
Reinstate The Global Gag Rule

Proposed Defunding Planned Parenthood.

Okay I have plenty more ill wills, America this isn't for everybody, this just to let those " Trump Supporters" to open there eyes, he's not for America, but for those who share his income Bracket. Don't get caught in man, you will lose your self power.

laugh That's a lot of accusations, of course you have evidence of these to show they are true. I would like to see what you have on him.
Shoot, I may have voted for the wrong guynoway
Show the evidence.

no photo
Thu 05/04/17 05:48 PM


Okay lets continue,

Declared Open Season On Baby Bears & Wolves In Wildlife Refuges.

Moved To Weaken Air Quality Standards For Ozone.

Ripped Off American Taxpayers & Avoided Fixing The Broken Federal Coal-Leasing Program.

Pulled The Rug From Under Private Investors Backing Conservation Efforts.

Atmosphere II
Moved To Weaken Air Quality Standards For Ozone.

Democracy & Government Reform
Imperiled American Voters With Untrue Claims About Illegal Voting.

Sign Two Muslim & Refugee Bans, Both Of Which Have Been Enjoined By Federal Courts.

Began To Undermined Medicaid.

Higher Learning
Reinstate The Global Gag Rule

Proposed Defunding Planned Parenthood.

Okay I have plenty more ill wills, America this isn't for everybody, this just to let those " Trump Supporters" to open there eyes, he's not for America, but for those who share his income Bracket. Don't get caught in man, you will lose your self power.

laugh That's a lot of accusations, of course you have evidence of these to show they are true. I would like to see what you have on him.
Shoot, I may have voted for the wrong guynoway
Show the evidence.

Well it was Trump on the grassy knoll... wasn't it?

karmafury's photo
Thu 05/04/17 07:00 PM
23 Environmental Rules Rolled Back in Trump’s First 100 Days

Rejected a ban on a potentially harmful insecticide. March 29

Who wanted it changed? The company that sells the insecticide, Dow Agrosciences, strongly opposed a risk analysis by the Obama-era E.P.A., which found that the insecticide Chlorpyrifos poses a risk to fetal brain and nervous system development. Mr. Pruitt rejected the E.P.A.’s previous analysis and denied the ban, saying that the chemical needed further study.

Overturned a ban on the hunting of predators in Alaskan wildlife refuges. April 3

Who wanted it changed? Alaskan politicians opposed the law, which prevented hunters from shooting wolves and grizzly bears on wildlife refuges, arguing that the state, not the federal government, has authority over those lands. Congress passed a bill revoking the rule, which Mr. Trump signed into law.


Green group sues Trump admin over repeal of wildlife protections

The rule prohibited practices in hunting predatory animals such as wolves, bears and other wildlife in Alaska’s national wildlife refuges. Hunters were banned from killing wolves and their pups in dens and gunning down grizzly bears at bait stations, trapping and killing black bears with steel-jaw leg-hold traps or wire snares, and killing brown and black bears from an aircraft.


100 Ways, in 100 Days, that Trump Has Hurt Americans


See The Sweeping American Landscapes Under Review By Trump

President Trump has ordered the Department of the Interior to review all designations of national monuments greater than 100,000 acres created since 1996.

That executive order, which he signed Wednesday, places at least 20 — and as many as 40 — monuments in the government's sights. The areas now under review span a vast range of landscapes — from arid deserts to frozen mountain peaks, from striking craggy vistas to teeming underwater playgrounds.

And, though these monuments were all established roughly in the past two decades, they all have a history more than a century long. That's because all of them owe their existence to the 1906 Antiquities Act, a law signed by President Theodore Roosevelt that makes it a federal crime to destroy or alter ancient artifacts and ruins on federal land.
But if, after the review, Trump also decides to bypass Congress and act by executive order to shrink or even nullify any of the monuments, a court challenge is all but guaranteed.

"The Antiquities Act expressly authorizes the President to create a national monument, but it does not authorize a later President to revoke or modify a national monument," says Prof. Carl Tobias of the University of Richmond School of Law.


Donald Trump’s Lifestyle Could Cost Taxpayers Nearly $1 Billion

In all eight years of President Barack Obama’s presidency, his travel, both personal and professional, amounted to a total of $97 million, according to Judicial Watch. That puts Trump on track to surpass Obama’s travel spending over the course of two terms in about one year. At that rate, Trump’s trips to Mar-a-Lago alone would cost over $800 million in public funds if he remains in office for two terms.


As for Trump, he used to say he’d only infrequently leave the White House if elected, as he’d be so busy working in Washington, D.C. "If you're in the White House, who wants to take a vacation?" Trump said in Iowa on the campaign trail last year while criticizing then-President Obama for taking a trip to Hawaii.

"You’re in the White House. What’s better than the White House? Why these vacations?"

Breaking Down All Of The Trump Family's Travel Costs And Lavish Expenditures

no photo
Thu 05/04/17 07:13 PM

Good Day my M2 family, shots goes out to all, I mean my " Hot Tea " topics to be mega hits thank to those who voices in my Cyber Mansion. Okay, I'm getting ready to P-off America once again & to be honest I really don't care. See one thing I like about hosting my own forums is I don't have to be right by the public but in my world it makes sense to me. So Trump supporters, I got some contradictions to bring to the table. Okay lets starts with his plans and before I proceed I'm give it to you what's been written and know to all Americans no matter what walk of life you fall in " He Has No Interest In The Common Folk Only The Interest In His Benefit". Okay lets start with....

Raised Housing Payments For Homebuyers By About 2017. Do you really believe Trump controls thiS? if so contact me I have something to sell you.

Delayed Enforcement Of A Rule Workers Exposure To Deadly Silca Dust For 3 Months. Minor point but true.

Now People I posting the key points, its paragraphs in between I leave the Research up to you.

Tried To Cut His Own Taxes By Millions Of Dollars While Taking Health Insurance From Tens Of Millions Of Americans. Look we have the highest tax rate in the world. Got it good.

Veterans Plight
Made It Harder For Veterans To Find Jobs With A Federal Hiring Freeze. A freeze wasn't enough federal workers need to be fired. They are leaches.

Mothers This 4 You
Proposed Slash The WIC Program Once again leaches.

Proposed Allowed A Dangerous Pesticide To Stay On The Market, Despite It Being A Threat To Children's Health. Explain better.

Now this is just a few I have im give you more during the comments. So what do you think about your President now? You still have faith in your boy " The Donald"? Let's talk about it, All comments will be answered. Thank You All

no photo
Thu 05/04/17 07:18 PM


Okay lets continue,

Declared Open Season On Baby Bears & Wolves In Wildlife Refuges. Yeah I like eating, I guess your eating sunshine.

Moved To Weaken Air Quality Standards For Ozone. You are aware the us is a small piece of territory right?

Ripped Off American Taxpayers & Avoided Fixing The Broken Federal Coal-Leasing Program. Partially right do you really think coal leasing has anything to do with our problems?

Pulled The Rug From Under Private Investors Backing Conservation Efforts. How exactly? Not an issue anyways. You can't concentrate can you?

Atmosphere II
Moved To Weaken Air Quality Standards For Ozone. There is a thing called a planet. We are a small piece of one. Your thick in the head.

Democracy & Government Reform
Imperiled American Voters With Untrue Claims About Illegal Voting. Due to democrats we don't know if they are true or not do we?

Sign Two Muslim & Refugee Bans, Both Of Which Have Been Enjoined By Federal Courts. We don't want or need muslims or refugees. Judges are criminals, you know that.

Began To Undermined Medicaid. Good it is illegal.

Higher Learning
Reinstate The Global Gag Rule WTF are you talking about?

Proposed Defunding Planned Parenthood. and?

Okay I have plenty more ill wills, America this isn't for everybody, this just to let those " Trump Supporters" to open there eyes, he's not for America, but for those who share his income Bracket. Don't get caught in man, you will lose your self power. What power do you have? None you are brainwashed.

no photo
Thu 05/04/17 07:19 PM
Fake news stories from NPR and a bunch of other liberal rags. laugh
We know, Trump is the President now and you don't like it.
Get over it.whoa

arlow1010's photo
Thu 05/04/17 07:45 PM
Yes let us compare

I have not had 4500 law suits filed against me.
I have not lied and conspired with the Russian.
I have not set up charities to steal the money for my own personal use.
I have not set up a fake University for the sole purpose of stealing people money.

I have been in both Iraq and Afghanistan to serve my country. Trump did not

karmafury's photo
Thu 05/04/17 10:05 PM

Fake news stories from NPR and a bunch of other liberal rags. laugh
We know, Trump is the President now and you don't like it.
Get over it.whoa

I actually have nothing to get over. But I will believe what I read before I believe 'alternate facts'. From what I have read Trump is trying to break every rule of ethics there is for his office. He has claimed credit for job creation he has nothing to do with. He railed for years, as people on these forums did, about the vacations of Obama and the golf trips of Obama.(Where are those that posted here about the waste of Obama now?) Yet when he spends taxpayer money at the rate he has .. that's okay. Golf trips (which he clearly and repeatedly said he wouldn't have time for), using the office to promote his properties, wasting taxpayer money for Secret Service in New York because his wife doesn't want to be in Washington because of son's school year (there are no schools in Washington DC?). His daughter gets an office in the White House and access to classified information (why the access when she has no status in White House I can't figure).

Cleaning the swamp? It seems he has brought in more slime and vermin to the swamp.If a person is elected to represent ALL THE PEOPLE you do not do things that benefit only your business friends nor ask their opinion on what to do....HINT: they will give advise that benefits themselves.

I feel sorry for the American people, the American nation. They sought a new political hero and got a sexist, egotistical, conman with 'alternate facts' as a sales pitch. One who will do what he can to openly fill his pockets and convince people it's for their own good.

no photo
Fri 05/05/17 07:03 AM
Quack, quack quack. laugh

mysticalview21's photo
Fri 05/05/17 08:52 AM
OP how do we or I like the President now ...
after reading what you wrote ...

they said this awhile back ... if you think it is all the presidents doing your wrong ... always use the term republicans ... this is who are turning the tides of fate ...

no photo
Fri 05/05/17 04:22 PM

Yes let us compare

I have not had 4500 law suits filed against me.
I have not lied and conspired with the Russian.
I have not set up charities to steal the money for my own personal use.
I have not set up a fake University for the sole purpose of stealing people money.

I have been in both Iraq and Afghanistan to serve my country. Trump did not

Very nice.. now list Trumps accomplishments, to include President.. elect.

And my statement was to the OP... not you

no photo
Fri 05/05/17 06:21 PM
And BTW many Presidents didn't serve.. on both sides... and also BTW you are not the only one this site who has served.. and did their tours.. did you think you were the only one? we just don't throw it out there like a badge.

no photo
Fri 05/05/17 06:41 PM


Hey buddy well matter of fact I am having an awesome day what about you?
Thanks for asking. I'm going to be over the hill in August. Other than that thing are pretty much going as usual. "Never better." Always good.

Lpdon's photo
Sun 05/07/17 06:15 AM

I Told You Guys So....Me Vs. Trump !


o.k. you vs. Trump.. so lets match you up against Trump.

what have ya done?.. lets compare.

Well, he continues to start forums where English and proper grammar are thrown out the window! rofl

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