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Topic: So what is it about being Pregnant so no one will talk to u?
no photo
Tue 11/20/07 04:16 PM
Yeah..right..that's it. No..jealous that that person is blessed enough to be having a baby....something I have wanted for a very long time.

no photo
Tue 11/20/07 04:17 PM
Not even that. Waiting for mr. right.

longhairbiker's photo
Tue 11/20/07 04:19 PM
Like I talk to everybody. Just the other night goofydame and I were in bed. I leaned over and said "if you want some sex just reach over and pull it once." she said "well what if I don't want sex?" I said "well if you don't want sex just reach over and pull it 50 times."

Katie1986's photo
Tue 11/20/07 04:19 PM
well let me tell u when ur with someone and u keep trying over and over it probley wont happen but as soon as u give up then u end up pregnant. lets just hope that ur relationships arnt ending at the time u become pregnant like me. both times i got pregnant my relationships were basically over.

no photo
Tue 11/20/07 04:20 PM
Oh that's so funny biker..rigghhht

longhairbiker's photo
Tue 11/20/07 04:24 PM
Glad you liked

no photo
Tue 11/20/07 04:24 PM
I'm recognizin a trend......pregers and old bikers.......dont get talked too.........hmmmmmmmmmmmm.......have to look into this..........

longhairbiker's photo
Tue 11/20/07 04:27 PM
I am thankful I do not have any problems in my life. I'm thankful that I have no regrets. I'm thankful I go to bed each night with a clear head and a clear concious.

Katie1986's photo
Tue 11/20/07 04:28 PM
ok and u think ur funny oooooooooookkkkkk..........

Katie1986's photo
Tue 11/20/07 04:29 PM
yea i dont have any regrets i just wish sometimes things would have turned out just a little different

longhairbiker's photo
Tue 11/20/07 04:32 PM
That's great! Coming to a theatre near you! Bikers and pregnant women! They are big! They are bad! They are both hormonally driven! And they scare the hell out of everyone! Noone will talk to them! Bikers and pregnant women.

no photo
Tue 11/20/07 04:33 PM
I go to bed hammered on tequila.......wake up with no problems, and a clear conscience

Katie1986's photo
Tue 11/20/07 04:33 PM
lol thats funny

Jtevans's photo
Tue 11/20/07 04:33 PM

Jtevans, what do you mean 'let them' see you viewed them....is there a way to hide that?

ok it didn't come out the way i meant.of course it shows it and that's what i meant....nevermind,it's too hard to explain ohwell

Katie1986's photo
Tue 11/20/07 04:33 PM
ok well i got to go talk to u guys later have a nice day

longhairbiker's photo
Tue 11/20/07 04:36 PM
Sure just when it was getting fun. Bye bored!

longhairbiker's photo
Tue 11/20/07 04:38 PM
Pull my finger. Ppppffffftttttt.

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