Topic: Corazon
UsernameOneFiveOne's photo
Mon 11/19/07 05:36 PM
None of the candles still were burning
Though sunlight could now
Be found upon the walls
The quilts were tossed about the bed
Left to watch the embers glowing red and
No sounds were left except
Her heart weeping
Their passion had erupted all the night before
Two souls lost mad in love
And joined as one
All the candles had been
Gathered in worship
Praying that
The day would never be
That the sunrise would wait
Forever there for
She knew with the birth of dawn
The cannon would be heard again
And he’d be gone
She remembered how
She’d knelt beside him
Her gown like
Red flames about his legs
As her two hands squeezed his
His calloused fingers touched soft
On her tear laden cheek
Her cries gave voice her worries
As she knew the days of battle would run red
And she began to beg
“Te quiero así,
yo no puedo vivir sin usted”
Telling him that with him gone
That God alone saw her path on
He pulled her to her feet and his
Eyes looked deep in her own
“Silencio,” his voice whispered
Commanding her
be still he went on
“¿Permitiría yo que sus lágrimas toman mi honor?”
“¿Cuándo usted sabe que
el corazón es suyo para siempre más?”
As he told her that his love
For her was endless
But when his country called
That he must answer
The fog had burned off
While the sun was
Still young in the sky
The clouds were mixed with
Smoke from battled waged
As soldiers fired cannons
And the ships there in the
Harbor gave unfriendly reply
With his hands pulling
Her lips tightly to his
He turned away
To his masters call back to the war
She saw how his eyes changed
As he passed through the door
With her arms wrapped around
Her tightly as he rode away
None of the candles still were burning

UsernameOneFiveOne's photo
Mon 11/19/07 05:37 PM
FYI - I fought really hard with this one, trying to keep the length down and combine the Spanish and English to give it the right flavor, I hope it tracks okay