Topic: WWE Survivor Series 2007 Results
TrueJedi's photo
Sun 11/18/07 05:28 PM
CM Punk vs. The Miz vs. John Morrison -> ECW Championship

Winnner : CM Punks nails GTS on The Miz and retains the ECW championship!

TrueJedi's photo
Sun 11/18/07 05:35 PM
10 Diva Tag Team Match

Beth Phoenix, Jillian Hall, Melina, Victoria & Layla vs. Mickie James, Maria, Torrie Wilson, Michelle McCool and Kelly Kelly

Winners - Mickie James, Maria, Torrie Wilson, Michelle McCool, and Kelly Kelly

Johncenawlife316's photo
Sun 11/18/07 05:36 PM
Awesome. Thanks for posting this infor .

TrueJedi's photo
Sun 11/18/07 05:55 PM
World Tag Team Championship Match
Cade & Murdoch vs. Rhodes & Holly

Winners - Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch (retain World Tag Team titles)

dragonyosh's photo
Sun 11/18/07 06:26 PM

TrueJedi's photo
Sun 11/18/07 06:29 PM
Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Match

Triple H, Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy, Rey Mysterio & Kane vs. Umaga, Mr. Kennedy, MVP, Finlay & Big Daddy V

Matt Hardy is unable to compete due to "injuries" sustained on SmackDown.

Winners - Jeff Hardy & Triple H

TrueJedi's photo
Sun 11/18/07 06:52 PM
Hornswoggle vs. The Great Khali

Winner : No Contest

The Great Khali gets in the ring and stares down Shane and Vince McMahon. Vince McMahon gets out of the ring, Shane follows. Vince asks for a couple of chairs. Khali's handler gets on the mic and says that this is a sanctioned WWE match so he feels that the referee should explain the rules of the match. The official gets a mic and describes the rules, Khali's handler translates. The crowd starts chanting "we want Shaq" as the Great Khali's handler takes a shot at Hornswoggle. The bell rings as Khali stares down Hornswoggle. The crowd pops as Mr. McMahon looks over at Shaq who is sitting at ringside. As the crowd keeps chanting "we want Shaq", Vince McMahon picks up a mic and says he doesn't give a damn what the fans want. He tells them to start the match.

Hornswoggle kicks at the shins of Khali. Khali makes one move towards him as Hornswoggle jumps out. Hornwoggle attacks Khali's handler on the outside as he crawls under the ring. Khali jumps out and looks for him. Hornswoggle gets back in the ring with a Shillelagh. He hits Khali with it but it has no effect. Finlay comes out of nowhere with a Shillelagh of his own. He attacks Khali. He pulls Khali's handler in and attacks him as well. Finlay assists Hornswoggle out of the ring and takes him to the back. Vince and Shane looks on and walk together backstage. Vince McMahon looks pissed, Shane looks confused. The match was ended upon Finlay's interference. After the match Khali is slow to get up with his handler.

TrueJedi's photo
Sun 11/18/07 07:13 PM
WWE Championship Match

Randy Orton vs. Shawn Michaels

Winner - Randy Orton (retains WWE Championship)

dragonyosh's photo
Sun 11/18/07 07:16 PM
any RKO's on shawn micheals and how did he counter it without sweet chin music

TrueJedi's photo
Sun 11/18/07 07:19 PM
The following match is for the WWE Championship. Lilian Garcia goes over the stipulations of no superkick for Shawn Michaels and Randy Orton cannot get disqualified. Shawn Michaels is out first. Here comes the WWE Champion Randy Orton. Orton stares at Michaels his entire way down the ramp. Orton slowly climbs the ring stairs and gets into the ring. The referee holds up the WWE Championship and lets both competitors know what is on the line. He goes over the stipulations with both competitors as he searches them. The bell rings and we're underway. Michaels locks Orton into a neck vice. The crowd chants "HBK" as Orton tries to get out of the submission hold. Michaels takes Orton to the mat. Orton counters with a right hand, but he can't get Michaels to break the hold. The referee checks for submission as Orton roles him over but Michaels doesn't break the hold. Orton's face is turning purple.

Orton is doing all he can, even getting a slam on Michaels, but he can't get him to break the neck vice. The referee finally forces him to break it. Orton connects some hard right hands to the face of the challenger. Orton taunts Michaels but he is greeted with some backhand chops. Michaels beats Orton in the face while he's on the mat. Michaels gets Orton back on the mat and applies a reverse chin lock. Orton tries to get to his feet but Michaels keeps the attack on the mat, even connecting with knees to the head of Orton. Orton's face is extremely red as he picks Michaels but and tries to get HBK off of him. HBK won't break the hold, he takes the fight back to the mat. Orton again doing all he can, finally gets out of the ring to get away from Shawn Michaels. Michaels kicks Orton who is standing on the outside. Michaels hits a springboard moonsault to the outside onto Orton. The referee starts the double count out.

Michaels gets Orton back into the ring and connects with a cross-body off of the top rope. Orton counters and gets a two count. Orton goes on the defensive, trying to re-establish control. Orton whips Michaels into the ropes but Michaels counters and locks the Sharpshooter. The referee checks for submission as the crowd immediately goes crazy. Michaels leans back as Orton works his way to the ropes. Orton whips Michaels into the ropes but Michaels counters and locks the Sharpshooter. The referee checks for submission as the crowd immediately goes crazy. Michaels leans back as Orton works his way to the ropes. Orton applies a reverse chinlock of his own. The crowd tries to chant HBK back to life, the referee checks for submission.

Orton still has the hold applied as the referee continues to check for submission. Michaels finally gets to his feet and uses some elbows to get Orton to break the hold. Michaels hits some backhand chops. The two exchange blows. Michaels connects a flying forearm on the Champion. Michaels looks to get back in control of the match but Orton counters with a tremendous standing drop kick. Orton gets a cover with a two count. Michaels counters and is able to get a two count. HBK looks to get back on the offensive with a scoop slam on Orton. Michaels goes to the top rope with Orton laying in the middle of the ring. HBK hits a flying elbow off of the top rope! The fans want Sweet Chin Music, Michaels starts to tune it up with with stomps on the mat. Orton gets to this feet and instead of going for it, he rolls Orton up for a two count. Orton is able to counter and get a cover! Michaels locks a Crossface on Orton, the referee checks for submission. The crowd comes alive!

Orton is able to get a foot on the bottom rope, causing HBK to break the Crossface. Orton gets to his feet and nails a monster clothesline on Michaels. The Champion gets a two count. Orton looks to regain the control as he connects another high impact blow to Michaels' head. Orton begins to stalk HBK. Michaels is laying on the mat as Orton looks over him. He's going to kick him in the head! Orton goes for it, but misses. HBK gets Orton in an ankle lock! HBK keeps pulling Orton away from the ropes, the referee checks for submission. Finally Michaels breaks the ankle lock. Randy Orton is bleeding from the mouth. Orton tries to counter but Michaels goes for the Figure Four. Orton counters out of it. Michaels gets to his feet, Orton goes for the RKO, he can't get it. Orton goes for it again, he connects! Orton, bleeding form his mouth, gets the pinfall!

dragonyosh's photo
Sun 11/18/07 07:27 PM
dang you think micheal's would want a rematch

TrueJedi's photo
Sun 11/18/07 07:55 PM
World Heavyweight Title

Hell in a Cell Match

Batista vs. Undertaker

Winner - Batista (retains WWE World Championship)

The following match is for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship and is in Hell in a Cell! The World Heavyweight Champion Batista is out to ringside first, the belt is strapped around his waist. Undertaker is out next to ringside with his usual elaborate ring entrance. Undertaker gets in the structure and slams the door. The Hell in a Cell is locked, you win by either pinfall or submission. The bell rings and the main event is underway. Batista and Undertaker lock up, both looking to gain opening control. Batista hits the first big spot with a clotheslines. It doesn't phase Undertaker much as he goes back on the attack, Batista counters with right hands. Undertaker goes for a chokeslam early but he gets out of it with an elbow. Undertaker nails a clothesline and a two count.

Undertaker slams Batista's head off of the turnbuckle. He uses right hands to get the opening control. Undertaker nails snake eyes and sends the Champion to mat. Undertaker gets a two count. Undertaker goes to the outside and gets a steel chair (remember the outside is still in the Hell in a Cell structure). Batista greets Undertaker with a speer when he gets back into the ring. Undertaker counters with the steel chair, he gets a two count. The fight continues outside as Undertaker pounds Batista in the face with right hands. He beats The Champion into the cage outside of the ring. Undertaker smears Batista's face into the cage almost like a cheese grater. Undertaker hits a leg drop on Batista on the outside ring apron, it's vintage Undertaker! Undertaker drives the steel chair into the neck of Batista. The Champion is coughing up blood out of his mouth. Undertaker nails him again with the steel chair as he rolls Batista into the ring. Undertaker gets a two count.

The Champion finally gets some offense going with some right hands. Batista whips Undertaker off of the ropes and nails a clothesline. He gets a two count on the Challenger. Batista buries his head into the stomach of Undertaker who he has setup in the corner of the ring. Batista hits a running powerslam and gets a two count. Batista takes the fight outside of the right where he bounces Undertaker's head off of the steel ring stairs. Batista throws Undertaker into the Hell in a Cell structure and follows it with a clothesline. Undertaker counters quickly, sending Batista to his feet. Undertaker regroups for a minute before connecting with some right hands. The Challenger stomps Batista on the ground. Undertaker picks Batista up and drives his head into the Hell in a Cell structure. Undertaker counters quickly, sending Batista to his feet. Undertaker regroups for a minute before connecting with some right hands. The Challenger stomps Batista on the ground. Undertaker picks Batista up and drives his head into the Hell in a Cell structure.

Undertaker locks the triangle choke on a bloody Batista, the referee checks for submission. Batista gets to the ropes causing the hold to be broken. Undertaker is now bleeding as well. Undertaker goes for the chokeslam, CONNECTS! He only gets a two count. Both men are a mess as Undertaker goes for the Tombstone, Batista counters with a spinebuster. Batista gets a two count on the Challenger. The Animal Batista seems to be back in control. He gets out of the ring and looks for something under the ring. Undertaker is down on the inside. Batista pulls out a table. Batista sets the table up inside of the ring. Meanwhile the Undertaker is back to his feet. Batista delivers a Batista Bomb on Undertaker through the table. He only gets a two count! Batista goes for the ring stairs again, he puts them into the ring where the busted table lays. Batista goes for the Batista Bomb on the steel steps but Undertaker counters. Taker gets a two count because Batista grabs the bottom rope.

Undertaker connects with the Tombstone Piledriver. He gets a two count, Batista has kicked out! Undertaker is stunned as blood drips down his face. Undertaker's going for another Tombstone, but this time on the ring steps in the ring. He connects! 1, 2, EDGE has pulled the referee out of the ring. Edge bounces a camera off of the skull of Undertaker. Edge gets a steel chair and throws it into the ring. He sets Undertaker up on the steps inside of the ring and delivers a devastating chair shot. Edge drags Batista on top of Undertaker, the referee counts the pinfall.

sportsnut69's photo
Sun 11/18/07 08:02 PM
sounds like a pretty weak pay per view again

dragonyosh's photo
Sun 11/18/07 08:17 PM
was that the last match

TrueJedi's photo
Sun 11/18/07 08:21 PM
yes, Survivor Series is over

Keith44870's photo
Sun 11/18/07 09:05 PM
Glad EDGE is back drinker