Topic: It's hard to find boyfriend on this site...
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Thu 03/09/17 09:22 PM
hello I need you message ur what's up contact

singlemom1231's photo
Thu 03/09/17 09:33 PM
thats true. people cant control you, you have your own decision in Life.

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Fri 03/10/17 01:31 PM
I think ur staright forward that's y I think so

Alexandepaul's photo
Fri 03/10/17 01:44 PM

nalayakrupesh76's photo
Fri 03/10/17 03:00 PM

akbar00123's photo
Tue 03/14/17 03:00 PM

akbar00123's photo
Tue 03/14/17 03:00 PM

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Tue 03/14/17 03:41 PM
there are a big problem with boys and that is they can't share their love with anyone. in another words boys always want to keep their loves away from everyone. because there scare to loose their loves.

CutieCy's photo
Tue 03/14/17 03:42 PM
Its hard tho. Any korean guy here! I love kpop!

frankyfunnkie's photo
Tue 03/14/17 06:07 PM
is not you but them

TheKing1951's photo
Tue 03/14/17 06:31 PM
Meet me Hun

no photo
Tue 03/14/17 06:50 PM
or motherfuck they lie to much dont trust man some man they killed another people

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Tue 03/14/17 06:51 PM
girl don't west time to man they will make you crzay ,

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Tue 03/14/17 06:52 PM
**** man i hat them they are stuip

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Tue 03/14/17 09:24 PM
I don't know why guys just talked to me a week then they're quiet. Even they liked Me. It's my fault??? Or they lie to me???. 6 days ago I found a man. He told me should delete my account on this site. And talks only him. But I forgot to delete it. After that he was quiet two days. I think he will stop talking to me like guys before. I don't know why.

ozzzie214's photo
Tue 03/14/17 10:06 PM
no its not

Twintidbits24's photo
Thu 03/16/17 02:25 AM
Hope you've found one now....just scroll down the thread.....that is IF....they arent't taken yet biggrin

arun_smart's photo
Thu 03/16/17 11:08 AM

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Thu 03/16/17 11:34 AM
Hi anybody there

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Thu 03/16/17 11:35 AM