Topic: Dems Favored
Mac60's photo
Fri 11/16/07 08:18 PM
Despite a slew of recent polls findings Americans unhappy with Congress, a new USA Today/Gallup poll finds that the majority of Americans still hold a favorable opinion of the Democratic Party. 54% of respondents viewed Democrats favorably with only 37% holding an unfavorable opinion of the party. The Republicans faired far worse, receiving a favorable opinion from only 40% of Americans while being viewed negatively by half.

These numbers, should they stay consistent, could set up another bad election cycle for Republicans in 2008.

Are you a Democrat or Republican? And how do you plan to vote in 2008?

thedoors's photo
Fri 11/16/07 08:21 PM
Hillary? Obama? Are you kidding me? Will have to do better than that...Looks like Rudy will win by default.

transientmind's photo
Fri 11/16/07 08:24 PM
Frying pan, fire... I don't.

no photo
Fri 11/16/07 08:42 PM
Libertarian. Haven't decided on how to vote yet.

Fanta46's photo
Fri 11/16/07 09:08 PM
Never ever ever ever ever going to vote for Hillary!

Id vote for Ron Paul or Giuliani first!

Hillary's nomination as Dem candidate will nullify the Polls!

Independent voters, like me, will decide this election as they do all elections! Pubs vote Pubs, Dems vote Dem!!

Independents vote for the best candidate, and Hillary is the worst of them all!!!
She cant win!!!noway noway noway

Fitnessfanatic's photo
Sat 11/17/07 06:27 PM
Fanta how could you ever support Rudy Guiliani after the recent events that uncover his former NYC Top Cop corruption took? His police commisioner abused his position at the expense of tax payers

davinci1952's photo
Sat 11/17/07 08:56 PM
Ron Paul is gaining momentum....there will be a full page ad
in USA today this week...paid for by a citizen from florida
I think...New fundraising effort in coincide with the boston
tea party ....a real chance that RP could take new hampshire...

if you like blues music check this out...

mnhiker's photo
Sat 11/17/07 09:12 PM
I'm an Independent Progressive
and, though I'd never vote
for Hillary, I wouldn't ever
vote for Rudy Guiliani for
several reasons.

1. He's a ghoul.

He got a lot of his support
from the deaths of the people
who died in 9/11.

The praise he received after
that event was absolutely undeserved.

His response was one of the most
inept responses of any mayor after
a major disaster.

2. His ties to Bernard Kerik,
whom he recently praised.
This is the former cop
mentioned by Fitnessfanatic.
He faced indictment on a
range of federal charges,
among them bribery and
tax evasion.

3. He cheated on his wife.

Despite this, he was endorsed
by Pat Robertson, which just
goes to show how desperate
the Evangelicals are to
get someone who can run
against Hillary.

4. More of the same,
status quo, continuing
the Iraq War forever, philosophy.