Topic: lepers the 4th
yeahitsmeok's photo
Sat 11/24/07 05:33 PM
walks up hands storm the rum...there ya godrinker

allinoell's photo
Sat 11/24/07 05:33 PM

Thanks Thumper..

I need an attitude adjustment tonight I fear.grumble

Jen's good at that....where's she at....

are we pissed at somebody??? mad

thumper95's photo
Sat 11/24/07 05:34 PM
well,, storm,, im a good listener if you need someone to talk to

yeahitsmeok's photo
Sat 11/24/07 05:36 PM
superjuke i can still feel you -collin rayeohwell

allinoell's photo
Sat 11/24/07 05:36 PM

superjuke i can still feel you -collin rayeohwell


andreajayne's photo
Sat 11/24/07 05:36 PM
wb jen

yeahitsmeok's photo
Sat 11/24/07 05:36 PM
grabs the bottle and swigs it heavilydrinker

thumper95's photo
Sat 11/24/07 05:36 PM
puts earbuds back in,, finds travis again and starts cleaning

no photo
Sat 11/24/07 05:36 PM
Hey allihappy

Happy Saturday night.

arcadefan's photo
Sat 11/24/07 05:37 PM

everyone can dance in cyber land, otherwise poor charles would have 2 swollen feet right now!

laugh good one AJ

yeahitsmeok's photo
Sat 11/24/07 05:37 PM
suddenly i just dont feel so happy....:cry:

yeahitsmeok's photo
Sat 11/24/07 05:37 PM
ill be back in a bit...sad

andreajayne's photo
Sat 11/24/07 05:37 PM
why so down sis

thumper95's photo
Sat 11/24/07 05:37 PM
im never happy , but yall dont get to see it often

arcadefan's photo
Sat 11/24/07 05:38 PM

thank you very much for the dances charles! smooched

your very welcome AJ smooched

arcadefan's photo
Sat 11/24/07 05:39 PM
evening storm

andreajayne's photo
Sat 11/24/07 05:39 PM
for some odd reason, i am bouncing off the walls happy go lucky... this just isnt me, and my friend almost ruined it for me, and i was gonna kill him! bigsmile good thing I'm still in my good mood.

allinoell's photo
Sat 11/24/07 05:39 PM
what in the world is wrong with JEN???frown frown frown

no photo
Sat 11/24/07 05:39 PM
Edited by Unknow on Sat 11/24/07 05:42 PM
Nah, not angry at anyone but myself..

ok and my stupid slow arse computer ...

I cant respond as fast I as need to..laugh
Thanks for the rum.. Good for numbing.
Hello arcadefan.:smile:

Thank you Thumper for the listening offer. I will take you up on that one day.

andreajayne's photo
Sat 11/24/07 05:40 PM
i dunno whats wrong with her... i already asked her and didnt get a response!