Topic: lepers the 4th
Nickinolosers's photo
Wed 11/21/07 11:33 AM
Jessi is going apoplectic

thumper95's photo
Wed 11/21/07 11:34 AM
huh?? whats that mean?

Nickinolosers's photo
Wed 11/21/07 11:35 AM
apoplectic=symptoms of a stroke

thumper95's photo
Wed 11/21/07 11:36 AM
thats not good,, is she ok?

Nickinolosers's photo
Wed 11/21/07 11:36 AM
Poor mailman

carebear19622's photo
Wed 11/21/07 11:36 AM
I gotta go...see yadrinker

thumper95's photo
Wed 11/21/07 11:37 AM
later cb,, and nicki did it come today?

Nickinolosers's photo
Wed 11/21/07 11:37 AM

thumper95's photo
Wed 11/21/07 11:38 AM
damiit,, im getting ill,, they better not have lost it

Nickinolosers's photo
Wed 11/21/07 11:39 AM
I told here if it isn't here by Saturday then she could get worried

thumper95's photo
Wed 11/21/07 11:41 AM
if i have to i will do another one

Nickinolosers's photo
Wed 11/21/07 11:41 AM
Just wait

thumper95's photo
Wed 11/21/07 11:42 AM
this is getting irritating, it should have got there by now

Nickinolosers's photo
Wed 11/21/07 11:43 AM
I'll text ya later

thumper95's photo
Wed 11/21/07 11:44 AM
aight,, tell her if she dont get it by saturday ill get a white one and get it right and send thatone

Nickinolosers's photo
Wed 11/21/07 11:45 AM

thumper95's photo
Wed 11/21/07 11:46 AM
oh yeah,, if you see me start trippin on someone dont worry bout it,,

thumper95's photo
Wed 11/21/07 11:53 AM
superjuke, slipknot, before i forget, korn, evolution

Twitch's photo
Wed 11/21/07 11:54 AM
Afternoon all

thumper95's photo
Wed 11/21/07 11:54 AM
hey twitch darlin,, ya ready fer some turkey?