Topic: Happy Hanukkah and a Happy New Year !
Reby7's photo
Thu 12/29/16 07:10 AM
Hey everyone! Where my all Jewish peeps at ? :D

I live in Canada the GTA and would love to maybe have a Jewish meetup sometimes soon next year.

Where are all are you from and how has Hanukkah been ? How do you guys celebrate it ? My family is very mixed so I didn't really observe many Jewish holidays and I hardly know any Jewish people (that are practicing). I really want to learn more. Any nice gentlemen or lady willing to be my friend? :)

Tango8168's photo
Tue 04/25/17 12:13 PM
Hi nice to meet you

HandsomeBachelor's photo
Mon 06/12/17 10:06 AM
Dear Reby,
I'm writing you because you posted in in the Community Board under Jewish Singles, asking for more information about Hanukkah, Jewish holidays, and Jewish people. Here are some resources that can help:
1) - you can poke around this website, it offers many different avenues for exploration.
2) I also noticed Chabad has a summer day camp and a Jewish Discovery Centre in the Mississauga area.
As you might see from my profile, I'm physically kind of far away, if you want other suggestions about specific areas of interest you could write them (or me but be warned sometimes a week can go by w/o my checking email (& also I get lots of stuff in my email that I just ignore if I don't recognize the sender) and I DID notice your concerns about harrassment and age-inappropriate inquiries).
Best wishes,