Topic: My Gaurdian Angel
shadow_princess's photo
Thu 11/15/07 08:04 AM
The faith I hold in you is very faint
Too many people have been ripped away
Darkeness has clouded my view
Today however there is no choice
My answers must come from you
Helplessly I watch as he seems to drift
Further and further from my grasp
A tiny pang of worry
Has grown to panick now
Yes the road I travel is a broken dark one
Full of hatred and despair
High atop your heavenly perch I know you can see
You know each time I slipped he was there to catch me
Tonight on bended knee I beg you
Please just show me how to be
The little sister he needs me to be
Lord I don't know what to say
To ease his troubled mind
Restore the laughter that made my heart dance
If there were a fee for this prayer
Without hesitation I would give you my last breath
My brother is my world
After all he has done
No price is too high
Setting fear aside
He needs you now
So please overlook all i've done
And said
The reason I have risen above this fear
Is to help my brother
To give him more strength
This time he cannot stand alone
Please hear this prayer
See these tears that come from the very depths of my soul
He is my angel but right now his wings are too broken to fly
So please wrap him safely in your soft heavenly light
And let him remember that he is never alone
In your name I pray

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Thu 11/15/07 08:06 AM
Another masterpiece from you, Nikkiflowerforyou drinker

no photo
Thu 11/15/07 08:07 AM
Oh Nicki! That was so beautiful it made me cry. I hope God hears both our prayers and gives him some peace and strength to get through. And you voiced my thoughts for me, thank you!


flowerforyou flowerforyou

shadow_princess's photo
Thu 11/15/07 08:12 AM
made me cry too suz but only because i mean it with every fiber of my being