Topic: topic 1: anyone into role playing stuff?
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Sun 12/04/16 03:07 PM
if you are, maybe we should chat – assume you are adults and hot and female lol!!

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Sun 12/04/16 03:11 PM
topic 2:

anyone speak German? Anyone speak it and solidify which would like to practice?it is not my neighbor language but I'm pretty decent at it for an American I don't know if anyone would like to speak some Germanmaybe some English too hit me up

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Sun 12/04/16 03:52 PM

if you are, maybe we should chat – assume you are adults and hot and female lol!!

How about the role play where you play a painter and paint their house.. and they say thanks as they go out to dinner with their boyfreind.

How does thst sound?

Mike6615's photo
Sun 12/04/16 05:13 PM
How about combining the topics--role playing in German!