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Topic: Anger
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Wed 12/07/16 04:15 PM

complaint and anger are different animals...

I don't know about that, those Clinton supporters who were rioting sure looked angry to me.

Actually they were angry people who were also complaining.

You know, Whiner type folks

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Wed 12/07/16 04:38 PM

Anger is an emotion like all other emotions (happiness, sadness, envy, etc)

Emotions aren't positive or negative. It's what you do with them that is positive or negative


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Sun 12/11/16 10:03 AM
Anger is emotive and an e-motion like lust, fear or insecurity, it moves the individual but not necessarily with direction, so it needs a channel. Often time the people who understand the nature of anger manipulate it because of its emotive power to cause movement in a given direction or cause of their choosing.

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Fri 12/23/16 12:55 AM
Anger is a normal emotion that all human beings feel. It's a way of expressing our resentment, displeasures, hatred or grievances and there's nothing wrong to feel that way as long as you are not overwhelmed by your feelings that you lose control. When we can't handle our anger properly then most likely it would impair our listening skills, understanding and hinders us from communicating well our thoughts and feelings. Anger management is important and diplomacy in dealing with one's feelings and with the people in a more sensitive and tactful way. Always compose yourself, be calm, have an open mind and heart that listens and speak or express your thoughts and feelings in a gentle voice that would not arouse hostility.

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Sun 12/25/16 01:48 PM
I don't know, that sound like you'd require a lot of self control for that, with men, anger is usually coupled with aggression, and with it.....well you can tell from all the wars that take place. I think in some ways anger makes people feel powerful. But when the anger has no direction, it becomes destructive because it has no balance.

Some spiritual and religious people say go and pray or meditate when your angry because its hard to pray to God or meditate in anger and remain angry.

I don't think decisions made on the initial impetus of anger ever end in good results.

So I say, when angry why not offer it to God or meditation and see what God thinks of it.

Just a suggestion.....

mysticalview21's photo
Wed 12/28/16 01:02 PM
Edited by mysticalview21 on Wed 12/28/16 01:04 PM

Angry people are poor communicators and even worse listeners. Their empathy is foreshortened, and they have trouble imagining the other’s point of view. It makes people less healthy, and when both parties are angry, fewer are likely to find middle ground. If the only way people feel they will be heard is when they are angry, then our public discourse will be an arena for shouting past one another. Now that a sanctified modern method, a poll, has shown we’re angry, perhaps we can have a reasoned public discussion about how to calm the rage and begin the work. You can be principled even when you speak in a soft voice.


angry is a emotion just like other emotions... it is how one handles the anger... that is the part that is important ... and their are many ways that different people do that ...under the kind of circumstance it is warranted to be angry ... just for instance there are peaceful protest ... and then there are destructive protests ... which both party's can be angry ... and agree it is hard for some to find middle ground ... becouse some believe it is the right to be right all the time ... when in reality is wrong ...

I still believe what I said here ... sometimes info is lost that could have been calming to one that is angry ... but all the facts helps ... that's why is it easy to believe they are right all the time ... if not enough info ... or for another to lash out again just to be mean and have their own way ... can make the whole situation come back to square one... the best words I have been told is to walk away and say will come back to this once where both calm ... but ideally does not always work that way either ...

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Wed 12/28/16 04:49 PM

Anger is an emotion like all other emotions (happiness, sadness, envy, etc)

Emotions aren't positive or negative. It's what you do with them that is positive or negative

but but but ... God Almighty is a wrathful God (screw anger ... we talking wrath of God here) ... and of course God is a jealous God ... while also having a picadillo to pop the cherries of Virgins ...

all to save the world with his only begotten son of course.

There is always a GOOD REASON for the wrath, from the jealous, cherry popping Sky Father.

God doesn't have positive or negative emotions but it is what God does with those emotions that are a positive or negative such as killing the First Born male children of all the Egyptians.

Murder of children is completely justified in some circumstances apparently.

I find myself in complete agreement with you.

sumbuddie wear blind sea

blushing blushing blushing

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