Topic: THE DAM GAME.........
Clancybee's photo
Sun 11/25/07 06:04 PM

clancy- dysfuntional family gather... Dammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm laugh

Best damn kind of family to havelaugh laugh laugh

lacileo1's photo
Sun 11/25/07 06:04 PM
damn see why you got a booty call....damn

Lôôking4U's photo
Sun 11/25/07 06:05 PM

whatnoway you savin the damn horse? rise a damn cowboy huhblushing

Ride damn it ride !

save that horse girl blushing

lacileo1's photo
Sun 11/25/07 06:05 PM

damn ms teddy ,, I was not like this before I started talking to laci noway

damn don't blame me you started itlaugh laugh

lacileo1's photo
Sun 11/25/07 06:06 PM
see I'm a damn ANGEL:wink:

Lôôking4U's photo
Sun 11/25/07 06:07 PM

damn see why you got a booty call....damn

no ,, never really talked to her about anything like this ,,, the damn girl just got it her head she wanted a booty call from me... damn ,, what is this world comming too ?

lacileo1's photo
Sun 11/25/07 06:08 PM
damn she probaly seen you and I talkin and got all damn hotdevil

Lôôking4U's photo
Sun 11/25/07 06:08 PM
not from my view ,, damn you a hot little mommablushing

lacileo1's photo
Sun 11/25/07 06:09 PM
DAMN quit makin me hornylaugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Lôôking4U's photo
Sun 11/25/07 06:09 PM

damn she probaly seen you and I talkin and got all damn hotdevil

I never thought about that ,, you may be right ,, damn ! Oh well sorry for her

lacileo1's photo
Sun 11/25/07 06:10 PM
damn my bad....her loss

Lôôking4U's photo
Sun 11/25/07 06:10 PM
stop it? ,, I can't ,, it's just the kind of guy I am damn it ..

Lôôking4U's photo
Sun 11/25/07 06:12 PM
damn it ,, now I'm wondering if she is following this damn thread ..... laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

lacileo1's photo
Sun 11/25/07 06:12 PM
damn you are soo awnry...I like it don't stop damn don't stopblushing

Lôôking4U's photo
Sun 11/25/07 06:13 PM

damn ms teddy ,, I was not like this before I started talking to laci noway

damn don't blame me you started itlaugh laugh

and you did not say stop pit ! damn you like it !

Lôôking4U's photo
Sun 11/25/07 06:15 PM
care for a little elfin damn magic?


shutterguy's photo
Sun 11/25/07 06:15 PM

ill lock the door on the way out

lacileo1's photo
Sun 11/25/07 06:15 PM
your a silly little elf....damn :tongue:

Lôôking4U's photo
Sun 11/25/07 06:16 PM


ill lock the door on the way out

turn the damn light back on ,,

lacileo1's photo
Sun 11/25/07 06:16 PM
damn we need to talk private....were scarin off the damn village