Topic: THE DAM GAME......... | |
wouldn't wish this damn cold on my worse damn enemy.
dammn you still sick pup
Can't shake this damn cold.
dammnnnnnnnnn that sucks
need to sweat it out |
Damn I can't sweat enough by myself
well since you are a dammn friend i am willing to lend you some assistance
Damn shutterguy...I'm closer....I'll warm her up!!
| she started laughing again!!!
welll dammmnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn bird i like ya dont want to fight can we flip a coin
Here's the damn coin guys
I laugh through any damn thing. Damn laughter is what keeps me damn going
a DAMN fight is ensuing in here! DAMN Grey, what did you start in here!?
Damn shutterguy...ok..but we use MY coin
a dammn 2 headed bird coin
DAMN, Cindy, let's sit back and watch the DAMN fight
Got som DAMN popcorn?
dammnnnn bird their eating popcorn
Damn, its getting cold here!
I need to go get some DAMN dinner, be back later for a DAMN play by play though! Make it a DAMN clean fight guys.