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Topic: " Favorite All Time Rock N" Roll Artist ?"
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Tue 06/27/17 04:32 PM
I like Queen and Bruce Springsteen.

EyeAmYourHost39's photo
Wed 06/28/17 04:59 PM

I like Bruce Springsteen as well........I like John Croche excuse me if I spelled that wrong, but he's mega legend!

JazzyJodi's photo
Wed 06/28/17 06:50 PM
Billy Joel.......Writes, creates, and performs tapping those keys perfectly!

EyeAmYourHost39's photo
Thu 06/29/17 12:38 PM

Welcome beautiful butterfly, Billy Joel seems to be a popular favorite. you mentioned keys to me the best keyboardist in my opinion, follow me know, Robbie Krieger from The Doors. " Light My Fire" & " One to Five". Secondly, whoever does the keys in "The Who" " Eminence Front".

Flourpower57's photo
Fri 06/30/17 11:40 PM
Pink Floyd all the way

EyeAmYourHost39's photo
Sat 07/01/17 01:01 PM

Welcome to my Cyber Mansion, yes I love pink Floyd too......" Another Brick In The Wall" will always be my favorite.

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Sun 07/09/17 09:34 AM

Ronnie James DIO - Best Metal vocalist of all time! \m/ \m/

EyeAmYourHost39's photo
Mon 07/10/17 04:59 PM

Welcome to my cyber home, wow, that's a name I haven't heard in a while. great choice beautiful.

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Sun 08/13/17 10:11 AM


Welcome to my cyber home, wow, that's a name I haven't heard in a while. great choice beautiful.

Thank you! He is the best choice in my opinion! :wink:
Hard Rock & heavy metal is my favorite genre bigsmile

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