Topic: It Doesn't Matter WHO Hacked Clinton Campaign Emails | |
It Doesn't Matter WHO Hacked Clinton Campaign Emails, It Matters If The Emails are TRUE |
Is this your own personal rationalization?
Is this your own personal rationalization? So the truth doesn't matter in your opinion? ![]() |
Some people wouldn't know truth if it hit em right between the eyes.
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It Doesn't Matter WHO Hacked Clinton Campaign Emails, It Matters If The Emails are TRUE I can't view the video. I am not on F*c*Book. But I agree... I am sick & tired of the "blame the messenger" mentality & " don't name the evil" & " let's blame someone or something else"... like Russia ![]() Dear Hillary, I am waiting for Putin to pick me up ![]() |
It Doesn't Matter WHO Hacked Clinton Campaign Emails, It Matters If The Emails are TRUE I can't view the video. I am not on F*c*Book. But I agree... I am sick & tired of the "blame the messenger" mentality & " don't name the evil" & " let's blame someone or something else"... like Russia ![]() Dear Hillary, I am waiting for Putin to pick me up ![]() I'm not on Hackbook either. You should be able to view it Nope. Everytime someone posts from there. It says " You must be logged in " |
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Wed 10/26/16 04:28 PM
It Doesn't Matter WHO Hacked Clinton Campaign Emails, It Matters If The Emails are TRUE I can't view the video. I am not on F*c*Book. But I agree... I am sick & tired of the "blame the messenger" mentality & " don't name the evil" & " let's blame someone or something else"... like Russia ![]() Dear Hillary, I am waiting for Putin to pick me up ![]() I'm not on Hackbook either. You should be able to view it |
Hilary is scum.
Truth matters, little, to liberals. |
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Wed 10/26/16 05:24 PM
What is the deal? Are Hillary supporters completely blind??
Lets take a strole down memory lane. Sherman, set the way back machine to,,,, 1972, Washington DC, were corruption rules... Ah, i can almost see it now... Watergate was a major political scandal that occurred in the United States in the 1970's, following a break-in at the Democratic National Committee (DNC) headquarters at the Watergate office complex in Washington, D.C. in 1972 and President Richard Nixon's administration's attempted cover-up of its involvement. When the conspiracy was discovered and investigated by the U.S. Congress, the Nixon administration's resistance to its probes led to a constitutional crisis.[1] The term Watergate has come to encompass an array of clandestine and often illegal activities undertaken by members of the Nixon administration. Those activities included such "dirty tricks" as bugging the offices of political opponents and people of whom Nixon or his officials were suspicious. Nixon and his close aides apparently ordered investigation of activist groups and political figures, using the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The scandal led to the discovery of multiple abuses of power by the Nixon administration, articles of impeachment,[2] and the resignation of Nixon. The scandal also resulted in the indictment of 69 people, with trials or pleas resulting in 48 being found guilty, many of whom were Nixon's top administration officials.[3] So we see that Hillary has learned from the best. When Government abuses power, we all suffer. The DNC is guilty of the same thing. Hillary controls the DNC. She should be in jail. The congress used to go after the president. Congress would snap its fingers and the FBI,CIA and NSA and yes even the ****ing IRS, were all over Nixon. I watched him in 1974 as he got on Marine One and left in shame after he was imPeached for this ONE crime... Now a breed of leftist Americans, turns blind eyes to a multitude of crimes?!?! Do this sound like America to you??? It dosent to me. She should be in jail, RIGHT NOW.... Fact, The DNC worked to not support and be fair to Bernie Sanders. Do the democrats even mention that?? Ah,,, no. Fact, Hillary has worked a slick scheme as secretary of state. Pay for play, to bring in lobbists and forgine agents of enemy countries, into the heart of our Government. Demos?? Nada.. Fact, Hillary is taking so much support money from so many corperations and forgine governments, that if she were a race car, it would have so many endorsments stickers, it would have the windshield and the rear window completely covered. Demos, can you say Monsato??? shutupalready... Fact, Can she be trusted with sensitive secret information? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Deleting evidence is ok with this canidate. But since you asked.. 3rd Debate, just last week. Canidate Clinton dryly talks about nuclear war, like she knows its just a video game. The Lizard like coolness as she talks about it was chilling. Then she pulls the ultimate, do as I say, not as I do moment! She goes to disclose, information that is strickly classified. Since 1945, NO elected official has ever given our procedures, time tables and response tacticts about nuclear war on World wide television! Incompetency proved. By the way if you missed it she tells the Russians that if we dont respond in 4 minutes its, Russia wins the nuke war!!!! Sorry, ive always wanted a woman president. But putting a criminal in, just to satisfy a long time comming event is wrong. Those of you who will vote had better know why you are voting. You are voting to keep America, America. Not to turn it into a corperate third world country of has beens. The future of every body 45 and above is totaly screwed. THIS VOTE , IT IS ABOUT THE FUTURE OF YOUR CHILDREN, YOUR CHILDRENS CHILDREN AND THEIR CHILDREN.. YA GOT THAT??? And if Hillary is elected The Trasnspacific Trade agreement will send the last of your jobs oversees and you will be in a true beggar country. The TPP is mearly a tool to keep the Banking Cabals as land lords of the world. If it were up to me, id destroy the IMF. She also plans on opening the doors to middle east migration 500%!!!!! Wow you can tell she hangs out with bankers!! This are loan shark rates!! Why does she want this?? Just look at Germany, France, Sweden, and England. You cant stop an illegal corperate regime like the IMF and NATO, when you country has martial law activated. Americans would kill radical islamists causing trouble in our country. Martial law is called out, guns are confiscated, the New World Order can now do what it wants because it has removed all borders.. Wait, isint that what Hitlery says, no flags, no borders. George Soros ruler of the World!! So go ahead defend a criminal, its your neck. God Bless our country in its time of need. ![]() |
It Doesn't Matter WHO Hacked Clinton Campaign Emails, It Matters If The Emails are TRUE I can't view the video. I am not on F*c*Book. But I agree... I am sick & tired of the "blame the messenger" mentality & " don't name the evil" & " let's blame someone or something else"... like Russia ![]() Dear Hillary, I am waiting for Putin to pick me up ![]() Putin's hot. |
why is wikileaks dribbling them out a little at a time ??? (17 of them so far)
why not release all of the emails to the FBI right now ??? whats the hold up ??? is it to keep you in ....................#suspense.... ![]() |
Is this your own personal rationalization? So the truth doesn't matter in your opinion? ![]() You often post statements by other people without attribution. I asked if this post was your personal opinion or if instead, someone ELSE who said "It Doesn't Matter WHO Hacked Clinton Campaign Emails, It Matters If The Emails are TRUE." Please answer that. As for what I think, I am a basic conservative American who believes that people who break the law should accept the punishment that goes with that choice. The reason I asked if it's YOUR PERSONAL opinion that it doesn't matter who hacked the emails, is because if you DO believe that, then I would say you are NOT a conservative American who believes everyone should be held accountable for their lawbreaking, you are one of those people who thinks the law doesn't matter, only who you do or don't already like. And I completely disagree with that. |
Is this your own personal rationalization? So the truth doesn't matter in your opinion? ![]() You often post statements by other people without attribution. I asked if this post was your personal opinion or if instead, someone ELSE who said "It Doesn't Matter WHO Hacked Clinton Campaign Emails, It Matters If The Emails are TRUE." Please answer that. As for what I think, I am a basic conservative American who believes that people who break the law should accept the punishment that goes with that choice. The reason I asked if it's YOUR PERSONAL opinion that it doesn't matter who hacked the emails, is because if you DO believe that, then I would say you are NOT a conservative American who believes everyone should be held accountable for their lawbreaking, you are one of those people who thinks the law doesn't matter, only who you do or don't already like. And I completely disagree with that. Isn't that what Hillary consistently thinks an practices? |
why is wikileaks dribbling them out a little at a time ??? (17 of them so far) why not release all of the emails to the FBI right now ??? whats the hold up ??? is it to keep you in ....................#suspense.... ![]() you can bet that the FIB has them all as well! ![]() |
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Thu 10/27/16 04:11 AM
Is this your own personal rationalization? So the truth doesn't matter in your opinion? ![]() You often post statements by other people without attribution. I asked if this post was your personal opinion or if instead, someone ELSE who said "It Doesn't Matter WHO Hacked Clinton Campaign Emails, It Matters If The Emails are TRUE." Please answer that. As for what I think, I am a basic conservative American who believes that people who break the law should accept the punishment that goes with that choice. The reason I asked if it's YOUR PERSONAL opinion that it doesn't matter who hacked the emails, is because if you DO believe that, then I would say you are NOT a conservative American who believes everyone should be held accountable for their lawbreaking, you are one of those people who thinks the law doesn't matter, only who you do or don't already like. And I completely disagree with that. Isn't that what Hillary consistently thinks an practices? I'm not sure what you are asking. Isn't what what Hillary thinks and practices? |
Is this your own personal rationalization? So the truth doesn't matter in your opinion? ![]() You often post statements by other people without attribution. I asked if this post was your personal opinion or if instead, someone ELSE who said "It Doesn't Matter WHO Hacked Clinton Campaign Emails, It Matters If The Emails are TRUE." Please answer that. As for what I think, I am a basic conservative American who believes that people who break the law should accept the punishment that goes with that choice. The reason I asked if it's YOUR PERSONAL opinion that it doesn't matter who hacked the emails, is because if you DO believe that, then I would say you are NOT a conservative American who believes everyone should be held accountable for their lawbreaking, you are one of those people who thinks the law doesn't matter, only who you do or don't already like. And I completely disagree with that. I guess you couldn't follow the link, even so it said "Ben Swann Reality Check videos" in the url. |
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Thu 10/27/16 07:59 AM
Clinton ally on emails: 'They wanted to get away with it' While the FBI concluded earlier this year that federal charges against Clinton were not justified in the case, the issue has dogged her campaign to become America's first woman president. Tanden, the president of the liberal think tank Center for American Progress, was trading messages with John Podesta, who was at the time preparing to chair Clinton's campaign. "Why didn't they get this stuff out like 18 months ago? So crazy," Tanden wrote. Podesta responded: "Unbelievable." Tanden later wrote: "I guess I know the answer. They wanted to get away with it." Tanden suggested the decision to try to keep Clinton's private email use secret could be traced back to Cheryl Mills, a close aide at the time, calling it a "Cheryl special." "Know you love her, but this stuff is like her Achilles heal (sic). Or kryptonite. she just can't say no to this ****," she wrote. In a separate exchange released by WikiLeaks, Mills herself wrote to Podesta several days later, on March 7, 2015: "We need to clean this up -- he has emails from her -- they do not say," referring to President Barack Obama. In the exchange with Tanden, Podesta acknowledged that Mills, Clinton's personal lawyer David Kendall and longtime aide Philippe Reines "sure weren't forthcoming on the facts here." <continue> Clinton Aide: 'There Is No Good Answer' to Private Email Server Questions |
It Doesn't Matter WHO Hacked Clinton Campaign Emails, It Matters If The Emails are TRUE I really could care less who hacked the e-mails. If she wasn't doing anything wrong... the e-mails would be pointless. but she was.. and it is not pointless Let just make sure she stays away from the nuclear missile control computer... since she is not too smart behind a keyboard. |
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Thu 10/27/16 08:46 AM
The fix has long been in! She was promised but lost out to the 1st black POTUS even with the attacks on him by her and the Clinton machine. So they promised her 2016, rigged the elections thru a loyal liberal, scandal blind and biased media, figuring that if all else failed they'd stuff the vote with illegals (their judges making sure "we don't need no stinking ID"), or as usual, Hillary could raise the dead which has never failed to vote demoncrap. ![]() Imagine..... the 1st POTUS to ever fail a security clearance profile! |