Topic: My PSA level | |
My PSA level is 4.67. Just .67 above normal. Anyone can clue me in on this? I am scheduled for a prostate/ultrasound/biopsy and can anyone tell me if they have had the proceedure. Could I have early signs of cancer?
Have the test and try not to worry...
It doesnt allways mean cancer. Prayers for you are going out for a good test result. ![]() |
My dad had prostate cancer. The biopsy is very painful unless you get a local anesthesia. Then it isn't bad at all.
Any PSA reading over 4 is concerning, but you are still in the early stages. The PSA is important, but the biopsy will determine if it is a "fast growing" cancer, if any cancer is present. You might not have any cancer...also, you might have to have a few biopsies to fully cover the prostate gland. Don't worry about this. There are many terrific new treatments for prostate cancer. Just about every man will have prostate cancer by the time they reach old age, but most men usually die of something else. The fast growth cancer is what is concerning, but like I said, if you catch it in time and have any number of procedures done, you can beat it. Good luck to you and like I said, don't worry about this. Most men don't have their PSA tested and you are aghead of the game. If you are over 50, you should have a PSA test (all it is is a blood test). Anyone over 45 with a family history of prostate cancer should be tested. |
Thanks everyone. Prostate cancer got my father before in the late states, and I am having the proccedure this coming Monday. I will be given a local in the prostate area. Thanks again.
Good luck and I will pray for you plp. Let us know how things turn out.
New subject. My surgery on my left wrist to relieve a pressed nerve didn't work, so in about 4 weeks, I will be having elbow surgery to release that nerve to see if I can stop the numbing feeling in my left pinkie, finger, side of my left wrist. If anyone has had the elbow surgery, please let me know how it went and recovery time. With my wrist surgery done on 10/23/07, my wrist is healed and the recovery process is long and painful. I had to have a nerve test and that was not fun.
Thanks for all of the great prayers for my "prostate biopsy/procedure next Monday. I am sure everything will turn on normal and only 67 points elevation, with my PSA, is nothing to worry about. |
I saw my doctor yesterday and my PSA level is only slightly elevated, but the procedure will rule out any cancer and if the biospy comes back normal, then I have nothing to worry about. I am having the proceedure this Monday and it will take about a week for the biopsy to come back and I will keep you advised. I had this proceedure about 5 years ago and it is not fun.
No problem with the procedure. Just a little needle prick to num me up and 12 samples were taken from my prostate and sent to the lab. I will know in a week. My level , for my age, 49, should be 2.5, not 4.67.