Topic: Tom & Peachies Comfy Cafe | |
I think I may be able to get hold of a banana flavoured salami.
yikes...what is that? the latest flavor of the German cousine?
howdy, Tom |
banana flavored salami EWWWWWWWWWWWWW!
sounds better than spam cheesecake
I'm not so sure about that
Tom you still there? how do you like my bike?
Airliner You are clear to land on runway 1 9er
care Ride on. Suzin At least you can be sure the wrappers do the protection job. |
Spam cheesecake??? The possibilities are endless.
The possibilities with Spam are endless, as I've unfortunately found out. My family and I had a running joke about spam recipes for a while, I think I have the distinction of finding the most disgusting recipe for it.
If you're bored, under the recipe board, there's a thread about, but it was months ago, maybe August? |
Being English Spam is the staple diet of many. Check out Monty Pythons 'Spam song'
ewwwwwwwwwww now Im spam cheesecake
Popping in to say hello and leave again. SIGH. However, 3:15 tomorrow marks the start of a five day respite. WWWWWWWOOOOOHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! Hugs, ya'll. Miss you guys like CRAZY!!!
Miss you too (((((((((((MARIE))))))))))))
I'm heading off to bed as well. It's been a longggggg day.
good morning......
puts on a strong pot of joe and hot chocolate
Welcome back! You doing ok? |
im okay....thanks...just had a very rough day yesterday...i slept like a rock though or um was it i slept like a rock that hit a brick wall
Well, you slept, which is a good thing. |