Topic: US Sailor Gives Birth On Carrier During ISIS Fight | |
man it's another one of those " I did not know I was pregnant" stories
I'm not buying it ether so .... Im going with Lp . So.??
Question: Do we have one or two cases of PDS ? ![]() |
I agree. The fact that the delivery of the baby went well doesn't mean that this incident should be treated as a feel-good story. Yes, the captain of the ship should feel good knowing that his ship was prepared for anything. However, the cost to the U.S. government will certainly have military leaders and government officials looking for a means to prevent such an incident from happening again. How are they going to do that? Mandatory pregnancy tests for all women before they deploy? I don't think they could do that even if they wanted to. Lawyers and women's rights activists would go ape$hit. |
Neither the mother nor her command knew she was pregnant before Saturday, Urban said. _____________________________________________________________________ She is carrying around a 7 lbs. baby.. and she doesn't know she is pregnant?? I have no problem with women serving on a ship.. The only thing here is how in God's name did she no know she was pregnant. sorry as a mom here and with two of my babies I didn't gain more than 16 pounds I knew I was pregnant yanno when you are getting the crapped kicked out you while you are sleeping or in the last trimester when a baby is trying to put their feet through the bottom of your rib cage. .come on... I don't buy that part... And no I didn't look pregnant with my last one either wore jersey's and unbuttoned my 501's 2 buttons and I was good to go. I read articles all the time about women giving birth and not knowing they were pregnant. All women are different. Why ruin a feel good, morale story...... I don't think anyone is trying to ruin a good story, I just think some people ( like myself) find it hard to believe that she didn't know she was pregnant. Granted, I am not a woman :).. but I do know my body and the body does tell you hen something is not the way it usually is. If I have a whopper,I feel it.. and that's only 1/4 lbs... she was carrying around a 7 lbs. baby?.... just a bit hard to believe she had no indication. I dunno. I remember in my EMT class back in 2003 when we spent a whole 8 hour Saturday on the subject of delivering a baby and my instructor told me some stories of women not knowing they were pregnant. It can happen I guess. They only way they would be able to prove that she knew is if there were doctors records prior to deployment stating she was..... |
Having been on a ship with women and deployed, I'd imagine she did know but didn't admit because most likely it belongs to someone other than her husband It's only been deployed since June, it takes a little longer then that......... |
I remember, must be 15 years ago now, I went on the 'USS Winston Churchill' I think its the only one not named after a president of the US, don't quote me on that, I could be wrong.
I don't recall seeing any pregnant women on board :/ I was hoping to make a few pregnant but they didn't like my accent |
I remember, must be 15 years ago now, I went on the 'USS Winston Churchill' I think its the only one not named after a president of the US, don't quote me on that, I could be wrong. I don't recall seeing any pregnant women on board :/ I was hoping to make a few pregnant but they didn't like my accent The Churchill is a Destroyer. I think it would be easier to remember being on a carrier vs a Destroyer...... |
We have some docked at our port you can see anytime. Small by todays standard but still impressive.
We have some docked at our port you can see anytime. Small by todays standard but still impressive. I got to go to the USS Hornet Museum and tour the Hornet. It is really small by todays standard but it is like a floating city. It amazing that we have several of them and they are a lot larger, nuclear powered and more equipped now. |