Topic: In Laos, Obama Repeatedly Calls Americans 'Lazy' | |
In Laos, Obama Repeatedly Calls Americans 'Lazy' * Video & Pics * September7, 2016 'If you’re in the United States, sometimes you can feel lazy and think we’re so big we don’t have to really know anything about other people.' During a townhall meeting in Laos, President Barack Obama called Americans “lazy” multiple times. For one, Obama said Americans’ reluctance to embrace his favored environmental policies is a sign of laziness. “Usually when you see the environment destroyed, it’s not because it’s necessary for development,” Obama said. “It’s usually because we’re being lazy and we’re not being as creative as we could be about how to do it in a smarter, more sustainable way.” He also accused Americans of being isolated and ignorant because the United States is such a big country. “The United States is and can be a great force for good in the world. But because we’re such a big country, we haven’t always had to know about other parts of the world,” he said. “If you’re in the United States, sometimes you can feel lazy and think we’re so big we don’t have to really know anything about other people.” This isn’t the first time Obama has insulted Americans abroad. During his visit to Malaysia last November, he said Republicans were helping ISIS. Considering the fact that laziness is only another way of saying unmotivated It does appear that a lot of Americans are unmotivated to learn about and be considerate of others outside their boarders. It also appears that a lot of Americans like a lot of the rest of the world are unmotivated to consider they may have some responsibility to what happens to the environment. A lot of Americans along with a lot of others appear to be hyper sensitive to having their lack of motivation pointed out to them and are more motivated to defend their position than consider other possibilities that would be more beneficial to all concerned. It seems his attempt to motivate has not been successful. How would have you attempted to motivate people to be more considerate of others and the environment? and why would Americans need to give a damn about you Guys! Motivate the US right into the Footsteps of Venezuela,that's the Motivation that Manchurian Candidate is attempting! Remember Rhett Butler's line in the Movie,'Gone With The Wind'? |
How would have you attempted to motivate people to be more considerate of others and the environment? You still don't get it. Americans are NOT, globalist. No matter what our past & present politicians have said or done. We, as a people, have NO desire outside our own nation & legal citizens to motivate, to police it or fix it, or saving it or pay for it. We feel NO responsibility or guilt, for outside our borders, past or present. We are NOT Mommy & Daddy & have NO desire to be. We have enough problems. Our past politicians, acting & pretending that, we are globalists, is what ruined us. WE ARE AMERICANS AND WE WILL PUT OURSELVES FIRST. As every NATION should. If anyone disapproves... well enjoy your dysfunction & so called imprint. And call someone else. We are NOT available. |
we are not mommy & daddy and have no desire to be
Meet Israel, the ugly step child |