Topic: Defeat
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Wed 11/08/06 02:53 PM
Loneliness creeps in on cold feet
Clutching at my heart with its sharp claws Guard your mind against the
Guard your heart even closer
Such loneliness ripping me apart
Tears shed eyes all red
Throat raw from screams unheard
Growing weary from defeat
Alone and dead on my feet
Head bowed in submission
Giving in to the fate of my life
Alone eternally
Forever roaming the valleys
Forever scaling the mountains
Wading the streams
Crossing the rivers
From the desert to the sea
From the cities to the villages
Growing weary from defeat
Alone and dead on my feet
Head bowed in submission
Lines of pain etched in my face
Arms wrapped around myself
Holding on to all that I know
Back bent under the weight of loneliness Hands curled inward
Gutteral cries escape my lips
Only to go unheard
Rocking on my heels
Swaying to a tune only I hear
Tears form once more
Sliding down my cheeks

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Wed 11/08/06 04:34 PM
not alone..WILL