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Topic: Compliment the Next Person - part 2
no photo
Sun 08/28/16 02:23 AM
Exactly!! .. Start right from the blank page .. what could be better .. everything's open ..

Next person puts a real smile on everyone's face

Annierooroo's photo
Sun 08/28/16 04:29 AM
< continued from this topic >
< part one of this topic is here >
I aim to

The next person has a loving heart

no photo
Sun 08/28/16 08:18 AM
Yep! The next person takes their time to get to know someone romantically

BreakingGood's photo
Sun 08/28/16 08:03 PM

The next person gives more then receives.

yetanotherusername1's photo
Sun 08/28/16 09:16 PM
That has been the case before...

The next person values a true friendship and isn't afraid to tell them how appreciated they are

no photo
Mon 08/29/16 01:37 AM
Exactly .. what can be better than a true friendship .. it never fails

Next person knows how to entertain his/her friends in a rainy day

Annierooroo's photo
Mon 08/29/16 01:49 AM
Yes I do

The next person loves the movie.the notebook

no photo
Mon 08/29/16 02:08 AM
A very touching movie :)

The next person has a generous spirit

no photo
Mon 08/29/16 04:23 AM

The next person is kind to animals.

no photo
Mon 08/29/16 10:16 AM
Thank you... Yes I am...

The next person has depth of character...

no photo
Mon 08/29/16 12:07 PM
only after Ive had a few beers :)

The next person appreciates the journey as much as the destination

Rooster35's photo
Mon 08/29/16 12:22 PM

only after Ive had a few beers :)

The next person appreciates the journey as much as the destination

What destination?

The next person is confused about the next person.

no photo
Mon 08/29/16 12:34 PM
We'll see ..

Next person keeps his/her work and pleasure strictly apart from each other ..

Rooster35's photo
Mon 08/29/16 01:26 PM
Work is pleasure.

The next person will post under this post.

no photo
Mon 08/29/16 05:48 PM
Yep. The next one is mischievous in a good way

no photo
Mon 08/29/16 05:48 PM
Yep. The next one is mischievous in a good way

no photo
Tue 09/06/16 11:36 PM

The next person is kind.

m3k4y's photo
Tue 09/06/16 11:38 PM
I couldn't agree more :D

Next one is a gentleman.. :)

BreakingGood's photo
Wed 09/07/16 08:54 AM
Edited by BreakingGood on Wed 09/07/16 08:53 AM

The next person's fantasies come true.

SitkaRains's photo
Thu 09/08/16 01:25 PM
Dang and the list is long....laugh

The next person always has a smile for someone

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