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Topic: Germany : On High Alert
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Mon 08/29/16 07:15 AM

no doubt to it........they both with something......drinker and EU should doing something more deeper with.....if they don't want to highly drill such situation.....

Ugh.. all the bad children from the block, invited more bad children, over from another block.

Then more bad children said.." Where is the party, you didn't invite us? "

There NEVER was a party... noway
And none of them will put there toys away, & go home & take a nap.

bigsmile I could nag them like a grandma

that's not true also by the conflic it self still continut who will and who shall? and that's the big deal higly drill with.........no doubt to it, germany need the wisp of the trees but the fact won't won't let them resting untill the russia will do something to some issues.....15 years now......what kind of a mess isn't it? hehehehe.......also like living in some kind of big pan in china .........is tourcher since the confidencial army of 'those' deal with the mass international internet troubles.......LOL i'm almost in the lala land won't you? .....drinker

no photo
Mon 08/29/16 07:35 AM

no doubt to it........they both with something......drinker and EU should doing something more deeper with.....if they don't want to highly drill such situation.....

Ugh.. all the bad children from the block, invited more bad children, over from another block.

Then more bad children said.." Where is the party, you didn't invite us? "

There NEVER was a party... noway
And none of them will put there toys away, & go home & take a nap.

bigsmile I could nag them like a grandma

that's not true also by the conflic it self still continut who will and who shall? and that's the big deal higly drill with.........no doubt to it, germany need the wisp of the trees but the fact won't won't let them resting untill the russia will do something to some issues.....15 years now......what kind of a mess isn't it? hehehehe.......also like living in some kind of big pan in china .........is tourcher since the confidencial army of 'those' deal with the mass international internet troubles.......LOL i'm almost in the lala land won't you? .....drinker

Oohh.. Like the santions, Merkel/ EU, put on Russia ? Well... 30% pr more, Russians are now unemployed. Oh yea... that will p*ss people off. grumble
But I certainly do NOT expect Putin to k*s* Merkel's as* noway
Why should he?

So now.... punishment, for not going along with the GAME plan drinker

mightymoe's photo
Sat 09/03/16 04:21 PM
The German government appear to be preparing for a major war in Europe, as Conscription (Draft) Orders are being secretly sent out to doctors telling them to report for duty, yournewswire.com portal reported.

According to the portal, two doctors have disclosed that they received Orders, telling them that they must report to a military center to begin Army service within 8 days of receipt, and warning them not discuss it with anybody.

The orders come less than one week after the government ominously warned citizens to stockpile food and water in the event of an emergency “which threatens our existence“.

One day later, the Czech Republic told its citizens to begin “preparing for the worst.”

Five days later, the government of Finland began quietly telling its citizens, through local government Councils, to begin stockpiling food and water, to prepare for something bad.

Media previously reported that Russia had mobilized Reserve Army Troops for the first time since the 1968 invasion of Czechoslovakia. Portal claims that the total mobilization is actually 80 mobilization brigades: About 10 tank brigades, 30 motor rifle brigades, 20 artillery and 20 other support brigades – about 300,000 men.

According to the Pentagon, there has never been a mobilization like this in Russia before. The shear size of it is described by seasoned Pentagon officials as “staggering”.


no photo
Sat 09/03/16 04:30 PM
I hear Merkel had a misunderstanding at the airport when she flew into Poland last week, it went like this

'your name please madam'
'Angela Merkel Sir'

'No, just here for a quick visit'

mightymoe's photo
Sat 09/03/16 04:52 PM

I hear Merkel had a misunderstanding at the airport when she flew into Poland last week, it went like this

'your name please madam'
'Angela Merkel Sir'

'No, just here for a quick visit'

laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Sun 09/04/16 07:31 AM
"Merkel faces huge election test in Germany"

1:11 Euro News


Merkel faces huge election test in Germany
Catherine Hardy

Voters in a state in north-eastern Germany are going to the polls, in what is being seen as a serious challenge for Chancellor Angela Merkel.

The anti-migrant and anti-Islam Alternative fuer Deutschland (AFD) could perform better than Mrs Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU) in Mecklenburg-West Pomerania.

Why is this significant?

The state election is being seen as a test of Merkel’s migrant and refugee policies.

Her parliamentary constituency is in the region.

If the anti-immigration AFD does do better than her CDU, Merkel will go into national elections next year in a weaker position.

The national poll is expected in September 2017.

Sunday’s vote is the first of five state votes due before then. The next is in Berlin on 18 September.


Mecklenburg has been run for a decade by the parties that currently govern Germany.

The centre-left Social Democrats lead the regional government, with Merkel’s Christian Democrats as their junior partner.

It is also currently the only state where the far-right National Democratic Party is represented in a state legislature.

The German Parliament’s upper house is trying to ban the party.

Polls suggest it might be wiped out on Sunday as some supporters switch to the AFD.

In the German backwater of Mecklenburg, anti-immigrant feeling thrives https://t.co/0Wz5lHbKW9 pic.twitter.com/4Eg5ULPPgB
— The Economist (@TheEconomist) September 2, 2016

How likely is the AFD to form a government in the state?

Not very.

All the other parties involved have ruled out the possibility of forming a governing coalition with the AFD.
In numbers

1.33 million – voters called to the polls
5 – duration in years of state parliament or Landtag
10 – years of SPD/CDU coalition to date
28 – % of SPD lead in one poll
23 – % of AFD support in poll
20 – % of CDU support in poll

:sos::bangbang::frog::joy: Day of reckoning in #Germany: Today, state elections in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. A bad day for Angela #Merkel. pic.twitter.com/WGOoske1qW
— Onlinemagazin (@OnlineMagazin) September 4, 2016

Good morning from Berlin that could be rocked by federal state elections in Mecklenburg. https://t.co/4FZtr5jOw8 pic.twitter.com/6CD5p1CNBf
— Holger Zschaepitz (@Schuldensuehner) September 4, 2016

What they are saying

“I hope that we will become the strongest party. We hear many signals from many families and businesses who say; ‘yes, yes, most of us are voting for the AFD.’ I am hoping for a result well above 20%. We may even be the strongest party,” – AFD main candidate Leif-Erik Holm.

“I always said: do not give your vote away! Because they are the ones that do not want to work with us, they are the ones that are fuelling frustration and protest. No one should give their vote away to them,” – Erwin Sellering, SDP Prime Minister of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.

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Sun 09/04/16 09:41 AM
Right-wing AfD beats Merkel party in local elections – exit polls


The right-wing, anti-immigrant Alternative for Germany party (AfD) has placed second in state elections, beating the results of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party.

According to the latest estimates by the German ZDF channel, the AfD has received over 21 percent of the vote in the local elections in the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU) has so far placed second, gaining 19 percent of the votes, compared to 23 in the previous elections in 2011. The ruling Socialist Democratic Party (SPD) has garnered 30 percent, which is 5 percent less than four years ago.

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Sat 09/10/16 06:30 PM
Edited by SassyEuro2 on Sat 09/10/16 06:34 PM
September 9,2016

Germany Prepares For Domestic Troop Deployments As "Catastrophic" Terrorist Attack Deemed "Conceivable, Even Probable"

* NBC Embedded Link & Charts *

Which has resulted in a spike in terrorist attacks.

Merkel continues to publicly defend her "open border" immigration policies despite continued erosion of her popularity amid rising nationalist sentiments in Germany and across the EU. Meanwhile, Germany is preparing to deploy troops within its borders for the first time since World War II amid growing fears that the potential for a large-scale terrorist attack is "conceivable, even probable," at least according to Lt. Gen. Martin Schelleis.

Concerns of a potential threat come as nearly 30,000 asylum seekers continue to flood the country each month from Syria alone (see chart below). Overall, Germany took in about 2.1 million immigrants last year and over half of them were refugees.

Plans to utilize soldiers for counter-terrorism efforts within domestic borders is a very controversial concept for a country only seven decades removed from totalitarian rule. Such efforts weren't even allowed until a court decision in 2012 which expanded Article 35 of the German constitution to allow armed forces to be deployed within domestic borders but only in response to a terrorist attack of "catastrophic proportions."

Per Schelleis, German military assets are critical for providing a quick, effective response to a large-scale terrorist attack. Per NBC:

"What matters in a large-scale terrorist situation is that quick and effective action is taken," he told NBC News. "This calls for the procedures to be coordinated and practiced."

Schelleis added the military assistance on offer could include low-altitude air space surveillance, checkpoints, explosive ordnance disposal and even advice on nuclear, biological and chemical threat situations.

"We could also provide mobile laboratory capabilities," Schelleis said. "Our troops are excellently trained. The same applies to medical personnel, who are well versed in treating gunshot and burn injuries."

That said, with an active duty force of only 60,000 (compared to 1.4mm for the United States) others within the German military ranks believe that assisting with domestic operations would spread personnel to thin.

The country's armed forces are spread thin while fulfilling peacekeeping missions in Afghanistan, Kosovo, Mali and in the the Mediterranean Sea.

According to the German Armed Forces Association, many servicemen don't want to be used as "stopgaps at home."

"We favor the planned training under the leadership of police forces in order to assess a potential role of the armed forces in a large-scale terror scenario," said Lt. Col. André Wuestner, the group's head. "But it should not be our goal to protect train stations."

Wuestner said his counterparts in France and Belgium have warned that their domestic security duties — such as patrolling city centers — have kept them from training for their main responsibilities, such as missions abroad.

We were under the impression that Merkel's plan was simply "we can do this"...did she mean "we can do this with the Bundeswehr?"

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Sat 09/10/16 07:55 PM
Edited by SassyEuro2 on Sat 09/10/16 08:03 PM
Number of potential terrorists in Germany is higher than ever
– German interior minister


There are more people in Germany who could potentially commit terrorist acts than ever in the past, German Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere told German daily Bild in an interview, adding that the terrorist threat in Germany is “very real.”

More than 520 people in Germany are capable of committing “unexpected” and potentially “high-profile” terrorist attacks inspired by Islamism, de Maiziere said in the interview, published on the eve of the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks in the US. He also added that the current number of potential terrorists in Germany is at its highest in history.

The minister also warned that, along with potential Islamist attackers, there are also about 360 people who are “closely affiliated” with them and could lend assistance in preparing an attack or “provide logistical support” to the assailants. He added that such people usually belong to potential terrorists’ “inner circle”.

De Maiziere emphasized that “today, the threat comes from both hit-teams [arriving in Germany] from abroad and radicalized lone wolfs in Germany.”

“Both threats are now very real,” he added.

He said that the hit-teams “are secretly smuggled into Europe and prepare their actions without being noticed, as we saw with the attacks in Paris and Brussels.”

The minister stressed that the German security services are “working intensively” in order to “keep all potential terrorists in sight,” adding that there have been more investigations and arrests in 2016 than in the last few years.

He also admitted that it is much harder for security services to identify “radicalized lone wolves” than organized hit-teams as they “get radicalized with Islamist propaganda in the Internet or by hate-preachers.”

He warned that, despite all the efforts of security services, there could be as of yet unidentified potential attackers.

At the same time, de Maiziere stressed that Germans should not suspect or blame all Muslims. He also said that Islamists are exploiting religion in “justifying” killing by Islamic beliefs.

Although Islamist terrorism “has something to do with Islam,” Islam “by no means carries the seeds of terrorism,” the minister said, as quoted by Der Spiegel. He also added that most victims of terrorist attacks are actually Muslims.

De Maiziere also addressed German Muslims in his interview and called on Muslim communities to “notice if some particular persons are in the process of radicalization and take timely measures.” He also urged them to distance themselves from Islamist terrorists.

The minister’s comments come as a German Federal Office for Migration and Refugees advisory agency says that a growing number of girls and young women are being radicalized in Germany. In 2015, a half of those radicalized were girls while previously they only constituted 25 percent of all cases, Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung reported, citing data from the advisory agency.

The younger girls are radicalized year after year, according to Michael Kiefer from the Institute of Islamic Theology of the University of Osnabrueck, who told Der Spiegel that “13-year-old girls are among those, who are radicalized.”

This summer, Germany witnessed two major terrorist attacks. On July 24, a 27-year-old Syrian refugee, who had pledged allegiance to the leader of Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL), detonated a bomb in the Bavarian town of Ansbach, killing himself and injuring 15 people.

On 18 July 2016, a 17-year-old refugee injured five people when he attacked passengers with a knife and hatchet on a train near Wuerzburg. Following the attacks, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said that the EU needs stricter border controls and special warning systems to properly process the migrant influx.

However, Merkel still refuses to change her welcoming refugee policy that has been criticized by both her political rivals and allies. In the meantime, the right wing populist anti-immigrant Alternative for Germany party (AfD) beat Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU) in her home state and is now represented in eight out of 16 regional parliaments. Merkel’s popularity rating continues to plunge at the same time.

Rock's photo
Sat 09/10/16 08:28 PM

Mangela Erkel screwed Germany, AGAIN.


This, can't be restated enough.

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Thu 09/15/16 05:48 AM

Brawl between migrants & locals in Bautzen, Germany"

Bottles, wooden boards: Dozens of refugees, far-right mob & police clash in German town (VIDEO)


Bottles, wooden boards: Dozens of refugees, far-right mob & police clash in German town (VIDEO)

About 20 refugees clashed with some 80 locals, many of them reportedly far-right activists in the eastern German town of Bautzen, with both sides throwing bottles at each other and attacking police. The city has seen similar confrontations in recent months.

Around 80 locals, many of whom were “apparently” far-right activists according to police, clashed with some 20 migrants in Bautzen’s market square on Wednesday evening.

Both crowds yelled at each other, with the far-right supporters reportedly shouting slogans that the marketplace and the town belong to Germans.

The confrontation escalated rapidly as asylum seekers started hurling bottles and wooden boards, the police said, adding in a statement that “the altercation was started by the asylum seekers.”

About 100 police officers arrived on the scene, but found themselves in the middle of the fight, Spiegel magazine said.

Police used pepper spray and batons to separate the far-right activists and migrants, but unrest continued overnight.

Meanwhile, the far-right supporters followed the migrants back to their refugee center shouting nationalist slogans despite officers’ efforts to keep the groups separated.

Throughout the night, three refugee centers in Bautzen were surrounded by police, who demanded the migrants stay there for their own safety.

Later in the day, some of the far-right activists threw stones at an ambulance to prevent it from reaching a refugee shelter in order to attend to a migrant who was reportedly injured in the clash.

Police have reportedly launched an investigation regarding migrants causing bodily harm after throwing glass bottles at the officers, according to Deutsche Welle.

The small town has seen repeated clashes between migrants and right-wingers over the past few months.

READ MORE: Far-right violence against refugee camps boom in Germany despite migrant influx slowdown

In February, an arson attack at a planned refugee center in Bautzen badly damaged the building, with multiple onlookers cheering and trying to prevent fire brigades from extinguishing the flames.

Previously, German law enforcement agencies said they feared the spiraling violence between far-right groups and migrants, who have arrived in overwhelming numbers. In August, the German Criminal Police reported 665 criminal offences against refugee centers from the start of 2016, including dozens of arson cases.

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