Topic: Fun or funny things your children do
CrazyJ's photo
Wed 11/08/06 12:36 PM
Every time my oldest daughter passes a sewer, man-hole, or pipe on the
ground she asks me if there are spiders or snakes in there. and when I
tell her that there might be, she asks me if she is going to fall in.
When I tell her that I will Not let her fall in she hugs me and says
thank you

greeneyedlady42's photo
Wed 11/08/06 12:44 PM
When my youngest son Brandon was born, My daughter Rachel (then 6) came
to see us in the hospital.
We walked down to the nursery so she could see her new brother.
After a several minutes of thoughtfully looking over the sea of babies
visible in the big picture window She looked up at me and said..
"Mommy?- Which one did you pick?"

How cute is the mind of a child?

Solow's photo
Wed 11/08/06 01:36 PM
I don't have any kids, so my comment for this one does not apply.