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Topic: Question
BearBait's photo
Thu 11/08/07 11:59 PM
well see I am actually wondering now about that theory.

I know on the one I had when I rolled the window down her hand got caught when I rolled it back up. and she went pppffffffffffttttttttt right out the drivers window


yokoke's photo
Fri 11/09/07 12:20 AM
Oh Bear LOLlaugh laugh laugh laugh
TMI (too much information)

laugh drinker bigsmile laugh drinker bigsmile

LadyValkyrie37's photo
Fri 11/09/07 04:52 AM
Frankly I don't believe that all of mankind came from one single man (Adam) and one single woman (Eve). I believe that God created many different men and women. Howver, the Old Testament just focuses on just one of those couples. I can't reconcile in my own mind that a loving and all powerful God would say it was ok to have incestuous sex just to populate the Earth, when he had the power to create many men and women. Especially when later in the Holy Bible it condemns such incestuous sexual relationships. But then again I believe the Holy Bible is a spiritual book with spiritual lessons and not neccessarily a historical book. So Cain & Able can have incestuous sex with their sisters, cousins, and neices all they want... I know in my heart such things are evil and wrong!

Donnar's photo
Fri 11/09/07 05:18 AM
The story of creation-Adam and Eve was written by Moses, as were the 1st 5 books of the Bible. So, it was Jewish history. All he knew and wrote about were the Jews and their history, starting with Adam.
Why would there be a "world wide" flood if there were no other people on the earth but the Hebrews? Sea shells have been found in archeological "digs" all over the world! Wonder how they got to Russia? Inland United States is included. The top of Mt Ararat? Sea shells on top of a mountain? There had to have been a world wide flood.
I have always been taught that there were people in Greece, Rhodes, Asia, Indo-Europe, Africa, including Ethiopia, Libya, Iraq, and Egypt. Those are the countries we can trace the peoples of Genesis to. I'm sure there were people all over the earth.
I suppose you all believe there is no other intelligent life in the Universe besides our planet and Galaxy? We would be foolish to believe that. How conceited are we?

Donnar's photo
Fri 11/09/07 05:27 AM
Jess, I don't know why there was so much space after my first post. A glitch? It wasn't on purpose that all that space was between my posts. I was just answering bear's question. I was taught about specifics of the Bible, from the time I started Catholic School in 3rd grade. My family converted to Catholism when I was 7 yrs old. I went through 9th grade in Catholic school. I continue to study the Bible. I have traced the people of the tribes of Isreal and the people they came in contact with, using maps to find where the people the Hebrews married came from.
So, I was answering how Seth, son of Adam, and Cain, who was banished from the land, could have wives without incest.

Differentkindofwench's photo
Fri 11/09/07 05:35 AM
Adam and Eve were the first humans with names. The other demo's as Jess called them once upon a time went unnamed. Therefore Cain ends up marrying nameless from Nod.

no photo
Fri 11/09/07 07:19 AM

So, I was answering how Seth, son of Adam, and Cain, who was banished from the land, could have wives without incest.

But don't you see that your answer is adding to the Bible? I didn't realize that was the default Catholic answer, but I guess it makes sense that it would be. The Bible seems clear to me that two people were created and not many. Adam and Eve's children would not have produced inbred children, simple genetics tells us that. So there would have been no reason for their children to not marry each other. The assumption that God created many people, but only placed Adam and Eve into the Garden of Eden also begs the question of why Adam and Eve were held to be so special, while others had to live away from God. The Bible has all the answers, but I feel the Catholics are adding new answers where the written answers will suffice.

Donnar's photo
Fri 11/09/07 07:34 AM
The story of creation, in Genesis, written by Moses, is Jewish history. If you read the old Testament, starting with Genesis and read the 5 books Moses wrote, you can trace the peoples of those books to the countries I wrote about existing at the same time as Adam and Eve. It is Jewish history, not made up Catholicism retoric. The other peoples of the world were not Jewish, but, still, when you trace the origins you find, Africa, Indo-Europe, Iraq, Arabia, Egypt, Greece, Rhodes, Ethiopia and Libya are there.
Spider, please read the 5 books again. It names these places over and over, not as such, but when you look at ancient maps, some are in my Bible, you can see what countries they can be traced to.

no photo
Fri 11/09/07 07:45 AM
best question ever " did adam have a navel" hahhaah!

no photo
Fri 11/09/07 08:09 AM

If you look at the geneologies in the Bible, you will see that the Jews are the result of one single branch. The Edomites all came from one man: Esau. There were many people who are simply mentioned and never brought up again. They didn't just drop off the planet, they were the source of other nations. While it's not in the Bible, you can look at Jewish oral tradition, which states that Adam and Eve had around 52 children. We only know about three of them. Think about this, a single woman who is 24 might have six children from having unprotected sex. How could Adam and Eve live to be nearly 1000 years old each and only have Cain, Able and Seth? It's not possible in the least. With people living to be almost 1000 years old, up until the flood and even after the flood, we can easily see where the peoples of the world could have come from. I just get nervous whenever I see a doctrine taught that makes such wild assumptions as that God creation other people and Adam and Eve were the first Jews. We can clearly see that isn't true, because Esau was in the line of Adam and Eve and so was Ishmael who is the progenitor of the Arabs.

yokoke's photo
Fri 11/09/07 08:34 AM
>best question ever " did adam have a navel" hahhaah!

Well if Adam and Eve did have navels... would that not mean they were born from natural childbirth meaning an umbilical cord?

Did Adam & Eve have navels? <----- interesting book
The author is Martin Gardner.

Donnar's photo
Fri 11/09/07 12:43 PM
Spider, please read all my posts in this thread. You either haven't or you didn't pay attention. "Adam lived 800 years after the birth of Seth, and he had other sons and daughters."
The Bible(or Moses) doesn't name the other children of Adam.
After the flood, It all goes back to Abraham, as the father of many nations, through Ishmael and Isaac. The 12 tribes are from Abraham. Esau? Esau was the father of the Edomites. Isau parted from Jacob, "to get out of his way." What about Jacob, his brother? You must have some kind of Bible! Jacob, son of Isaac, son of Abraham. Jacob was given the name Israel, by God and the 12 tribes of Israel were from Jacob, son of Isaac, son of Abraham.

Abracadabra's photo
Sat 11/10/07 07:23 PM
Cain wasn’t able to have a wife so Abel gave Cain a doll made of yew

But Cain didn’t like yew and told his brother so.

Abel yelled back, “Well I don’t like you either!”

Then they started to squabble,…

and then scribble with a pen,…

and finally used Crayolas to color it all in

Then they’re mother called them for dinner

Cain was able to pick crops from his field

Abel used a cane to slay a sheep from his heard

Their father was still searching for his navel using old issues of PlayGirl that have never since been found.

At dinner Eve asked her sons when they will marry.

They laughed at her and said, “Duh mom! We’re not gay ya know!”

Adam continued to search for his navel.

Ann Coutler showed up to help with the dishes.

Abel said to Cain, “Now there’s a dish!”

Cain said to Able, “She’s probably a bytch”

Then they went back out into the field to fight over Coulter

Cain threw rotten tomatoes at Abel

Abel was going to toss sheep back at Cain but he wasn’t able.

Then Cain saw a red rock and picked it up.

He threw it as Abel as hard as he could and hit Abel in the head.

Abel fell over dead.

Adam was still busy looking for his navel, but God heard the able cries of Abel.

Cain ran, for he knew that what he had done was fruitless.

Coulter saw the whole thing and naturally blabbed it all to God.

When God finally found Cain he asked him what happened.

Cain said that he was just throwing rotten tomatoes at his brother and a rock must have gotten in the pile somehow.

God said, “Ok, I’ll reduce your charge to involuntary manslaughter via mistaken fruit”

“Thanks God!” , Cain exclaimed, and then asked what the punishment would be.

God brought forth Ann Coulter and said, “You’ll have to marry this tomato”

Cain began to weep and beg for mercy, but the Lord was unmoved.

And thus it came to be that Ann Coulter Cain became the daughter-in-law of the man who has no navel.


no photo
Sat 11/10/07 07:41 PM
a thousand years old ..did they go by the same calendar as we know it..ohwell

HangedMan's photo
Sat 11/10/07 07:47 PM
They made them from play doh ppl....geez!!!!!!!!!

yokoke's photo
Sat 11/10/07 09:18 PM
the calendar we go off is the mayan.... which funny you mention that.... the mayan calendar has a huge event in 2012 happening....noway

Play doh lolhappy

Redykeulous's photo
Sat 11/10/07 09:49 PM
Ok, so I'll give this one a try. According to some scholars, and I'm not one them,just the messenger - there were actually OTHER humanids, adam was just the first to be created in Gods' image.

There are two creation stories both told in Genisis. One describes adam being made first in the likeness of God. Adam, however, was not happy with it's given form. You see, adam was a one and only, not like all the other 'creations' who had mates. This is when God, took a part of adam out and created eve. In other words God divided adam, forever separating, what was once Gods' likeness, into two beings, mates.

Just as science has proven that we were not the only human forms, and that we have enough DNA to have procreated with other forms, so were adam and eve's children capable of procreating with OTHERS.

magickmanyakima's photo
Sun 11/11/07 02:49 AM
They came from the land of nod. Remember that there are actually two creation stories. The first is done by Elohim (plural word for God, or just Gods). In that first story man and woman are written to have been created at the same time. The second creation story Adam is written to have been created by YHWH. From his rib, YHWH creates woman from the man's rib. So, if we read the stories accurately we find that there were already people living on the earth before the creation of Adam and Eve. Fortunately for the first man and woman, they were not born into original sin. This is because they did not eat of the fruit. Then again, there were other very similar scriptures that predate the Judaic scriptures. The oldest of which were written by the ancient Sumerians thousands of years before the Hebrew creation story. In that story man was created from clay by the Ancient Ones over the rolling sea of the Absu. Does any of this answer your question? Or, does it just raise more? Blessed Be!


yokoke's photo
Sun 01/13/08 08:25 PM

Just as science has proven that we were not the only human forms, and that we have enough DNA to have procreated with other forms, so were adam and eve's children capable of procreating with OTHERS.


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