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Thu 11/08/07 07:01 AM
Did anyone see CNN's one hour special last night called "Death Grip", about steroids in Pro Wrestling, most notably in the WWE? If so, what did you all think about it?

Here's my thoughts, in random order:

1.It's obvious that Hillary Clinton took answer-dodging lessons from Vince McMahon. At times, McMahon looked ablosutely frightened up there. Wife Linda's total lack of personality and charisma caused her to come across as cold.

2.I knew that Tommy Billington(Dynamite Kid)had fallen on hard times--I've read his biography. But Even then I never imagined exactly how far he's fallen. A fate I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.

3.John Cena's "I can't sat I've never taken steroids, but you can't prove I have taken them, either" exposes him as a total douchebag. side note: theparticular injury Cena suffered is exceedingly rare among normal people--but VERY common among steroid users(source:Wrestling Observer)

4.You really have to feel bad for Michael Benoit. During his segments, he was openly blaming himself for what happened to Chris, Nancy, and Daniel Benoit. He had no way of knowing.

5. Chris Kanyon is one of the true "good guys" in this world today. I'm glad he's got wrestling out of his system, and wish him the best. Tho I'll miss his wrestling. In WCW, he was known as "The Innovator of Offense".

6.Every medical professional--except the one employed by WWE--said in no uncertain terms that the "WWE Wellness Policy" was an absolute joke.

7.Vince talks about suspensions. Funny how the top guys look like the worst offenders, but never get suspended. I guess the "foolproof" part of the Wellness Policy means, "Only the fools get caught". Of the 10 recent suspensions(not for failing a drug test, they were for appearing on a steroid doctors' customer list), the only one who could even be construed as a main eventer was Ken Kennedy, who they were planning to elevate. Umaga was already being phased down, and is only in main events now because the roster is depleated due to injuries. Others on the list, such as Chris Masters and Chavo Guerrero were at best mid-card.

8.They did a segment on C.M. Punk, who's "Hard core Straight Edge" gimmick means no alchohol, no smokes, no drugs. It's kind of sad, really, when a clean lifestyle is reduced to being a wrestler's gimmick.


MUCH better show than I expected going in. I was kind of expecting a "fluff" piece, complete with softball questions. Needless to say, I was pleasantly suprised. The hosts treated wrestling as a serious business, and were really objective.

Thumbs up.