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Topic: What r u thinking about right now?? - part 58
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Fri 07/29/16 07:55 PM
Bit of a long one this but bear with me if you please.

So, the guy who wrote the equation for sod's law.
He used a piece of buttered bread, and he reckoned that it always landed butter side down, hence, sod's law.

So I was wondering, if you buttered both side of the bread, would it hover

Your best educated guess please.

jacktrades's photo
Sat 07/30/16 06:17 AM
I am thinking about how beautiful and sweet these women from the Philippines are, my lord, every last one of them are pretty, nice, and polite on top of it.The Philippines must be a very gregarious country.

no photo
Sat 07/30/16 12:56 PM

toning down the sex talk :angel:

babe dont give up the things that make you you

babykris6c's photo
Sat 07/30/16 01:00 PM

toning down the sex talk :angel:

babe dont give up the things that make you you

I'm not. But better behave on the forums.

Ruth34611's photo
Sat 07/30/16 05:09 PM
How easily I get worn out. :frowning2:

no photo
Sat 07/30/16 11:09 PM
Im thinking about making a cup of coffee and read a bit...

dreamerana's photo
Sat 07/30/16 11:17 PM
Thinking I wish insomnia wasn't my nightly companion

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Sun 07/31/16 02:36 AM
Edited by Unknow on Sun 07/31/16 02:38 AM
Im thinking... Drama, drama everywhere... I do not make time for other people's drama... Lesson learned the hard way...

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Sun 07/31/16 03:28 AM
Edited by dolphin0925 on Sun 07/31/16 03:29 AM
Thinking of things that make me laugh laugh laugh laugh what think slaphead laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Sun 07/31/16 08:04 AM
Im thinking that maybe its common in American culture to ask for a committed relationship after 2 weeks of talking, Not sure if Im ever gonna get used to that practice whoa

adivorcedone's photo
Sun 07/31/16 02:12 PM
I am thinking...I got a godnight kiss from my BFF last night, the first in about a year...and she was not the drunk one...I was...yup, I am still thinking what the hell was that all about????

calista29's photo
Sun 07/31/16 03:03 PM
thinking of brooding a baby!..:wink:

adivorcedone's photo
Sun 07/31/16 09:32 PM
Two good nights in a row....am I dreaming or is the relationship headed in some direction, where angels fear to thread....??

babykris6c's photo
Mon 08/01/16 01:43 AM
how pathetic it is of me to wait for someone's message. dang

no photo
Mon 08/01/16 01:44 AM
Im thinking... Three years have passed and I cant get you out of my head... I miss you, H, Jr... Hope you and yours are well...

jacktrades's photo
Mon 08/01/16 01:44 AM
Thinking of vacation again, next week off to the travel agent, I am getting excited.

no photo
Mon 08/01/16 04:17 AM
I'm thinking, in few months time . . . we can hear Christmas carols. . . :bell::bell::bell: :santa_tone1::santa_tone1::santa_tone1:

0306_lucky_james's photo
Mon 08/01/16 05:08 AM
1st day on this website. Thinking to make friends so that I can hangout with them on weekends and see new places in New Delhi. Hi to everyone in the page :)

no photo
Mon 08/01/16 07:13 AM
still dont know what you meant by my dear friend sdscfof2. still want to know if you were aking me out?

no photo
Mon 08/01/16 07:16 AM

toning down the sex talk :angel:

babe dont give up the things that make you you

I'm not. But better behave on the forums.

no reason to be so depressed babe. youre young you got your whole life ahead of you. cheer up

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